Just a dream

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Aubrey pov

"Aubrey!" my mother yells "Aubrey help me!" I try to run to her but I can't as the man in a mask grabs her. A vulnerable seven year old Aubrey runs as fast as her little heart desires but cannot reach her mother. Fingertips away, young Aubrey tries to reach for her.

"Mommy!" she yells and mother fades in the distance. A figure that looks exactly like Dally appears and scolded me.

"This is all your fault!" he screams at me and starts walking towards me, I run but is stopped by my mothers death date, today. The numbers start to float towards me, the terrible day.

September 25

"Wake up Aubrey...wake up" Darry yells at me and I'm shook em awake.

Sweaty and yelling is what I'm doing as I wake up, Darry frightened and holding me in his tight grasp. Darry grabs a towel he left last night on the floor and swipe away all the sweat. We both haven't said a word. Darry pulls back a strand of my golden brown hair.

"What's wrong baby?" he breaks the silence and I on the verge of tear say those few word of my moms death date.

Darry looks at me trying to hide the pity, kissing my cheek once, twice, three times and a little smile peeked on my lips. Darry smiles and kisses me.

Darry stayed the whole night up with me, listening to me ramble about my memories and my thoughts. Laughing at my moments smiling at sentimental moments and being sad at sad moments.

The sun was starting to rise and Darry smiled, picking me up and taking me outside up the ladder. After a couple of moments of struggling to pick me up and almost dropping me and finally throwing me on the roof we have he most beutifulist view I've ever seen, all the beautiful blue and orange colors mixing with reds, Darry grabs my hand and looks at me with happy eyes. After a few seconds his eyes fade and he looks confused


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