Cherry valence and the socs

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Aubrey pov
I'm standing on the porch smoking a cigarette when I here yelling coming from the alleyway. I here pony screaming and I run inside "Darry, guys, ponys in trouble. There some socs," everyone's out of the house before I can finish the sentence. I rush out and I see dally, the hell is he doing here.

After the socs drive off I run to ponys side. Sodapop is comforting him, I see tears I his eyes so I hug him and he rubs some blood on my shoulder, I don't mind.

"You never use your head pony, it's always movie and book, movies and book I wish you would use your head sometime" Darry tells him

"C'mon dar, lay off, what did you think about when you were younger"I tell him

"Well you can think about girls and cars" soda smirks.

"Lay off soda" I mock at him.

"Dal, what are you doing here?" I ask him

"Got sent off, for good behavior." he smirks "sure" I say. "Anyways" he says "who wants to go to the nightly double with me" dally asks

"No, me and Darry have a date and I can't get into no legal trouble..yet"

"Who's look lookin for trouble, I just wanna have fun like the good ole' days" dally says "you got two-bit, Johnny, and pony." I tell him and everyone goes in different directions.

I enter the house and ponys doing homework on the kitchen table. Darry in his arm chair, he looks up at me and gets up. "I'm gonna do laundry, bring em over here" I tell him "you to Darry" I say and they both bring Their clothes.

"So," Darry says grabbing my hips and pulling me up close to him "are we still on for tonight?" I nod and separate the clothes. "what's wrong," Darry says and I don't know what happens I just break down and run into the restroom.

I silently sob into my hands. I've prided myself to never cry infront of anyone. I look at my wrist, my old cuts fading.

I wake up scared and alone, Dallas is in the cooler and there's a ransom for him

"Where is he!" I here a voice yell and I stiffen up. "where the fuck is he!" I her again

"I-I don't know" I spit out and suddenly there's a knife to my neck.

I feel my pants unzip and soon it's all over. I lay there violated and afraid, I've had plenty of guns pointed at me but I just got raped and I've never been touched.

-flashback over-
"Aubrey.." Darry calls back and I still am looking at my wrist. "Aubrey please" I hear Darry say quietly. I clean myself up and soon find two new scars on my wrists. Shit, I find my red shirt and clean my arm. I unlock the door and Darry's standing there I hug I'm and a single tear drops. I quickly rub it away and I tell Darry how ponyboy socs jump reminded me of the flashback.

"Ain't no one gonna hurt anymore..they have to get through me first." he says tightening the grip around me and I kiss him softly.

It turn 7:00 and I finish getting ready for me and Darry's date, I decide to wear my light blue ripped jeans and a red sweater. I put my black converse and a red bandana. I finish off the look with red lips, a little eye liner and some mascara. I exit the room and Darry has a bouquet if flowers and a nice button up. we both smile and we interlocked our arms together.

"Shall we" Darry says with a smile

"Why yes Prince Charming" I tell him.

We head out the door and run into ponyboy, Johnny, and two-bit talking to some girls and a blue mustang pulls up. I suddenly feel my pace quicken.

"What going on here?" Darry asks, god his muscle look good in his shirt.

"We were just leaving" the red head says in a snooty tone.

I shoot a glaze at her and her eyes have a hit of fear In them, classic way to scare people.

"I-I'm not scared of you" she shoots at me, I guess she's a mind reader.

"Well, Aubrey Winston doesn't play around" I say and her fear level looks like it sky rocketed. she talked to pony and she left in a flash.

Me and Darry left and we had the most beautiful picnic I've ever had in a while.

We cuddled on the blanket looking at the stars. we fall asleep and I'm awaken by Darry kissing me softly. He picks me up and we walk, or get carried home and Darry changed my clothes and he kisses me softly. I soon fall asleep to the sound of his steady heart beat.

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