Bite me

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Aubrey's pov

I wake up and find Darry staring at me "creeper" I joke with him and he smiles,

"Well GOODMORNING to you too" he says and I kiss him. I stand up to find my clothes still on, surprise. I go out of the tent to see Johnny and pony sleeping on the foldout chairs. I smack pony a little and he stirs awake

"What" he says in a groggy voice

"Why are you out here, we're dally" I say. he points at the tent and I realize he might have a girl in there. I walk towards the door and open it, I see dally and some blonde naked girl in the bed.

"DALLAS TUCKER WINSTON DID YOU HAVE SEX" I yell. They both shoot up and the blond turns pale.

"The hell," Dallas says trying to block the sun with his hand.

"Dallas.i know you had sex, did you at least use protection" I say and dally looks away.

"And if I said no?" dally says and I give him a cold stare,

"Dally if you didn't I will skin you both alive." I say and the girl looks over to dally.

"Ya know you aren't my mother and what about you and Darry" dally says

"well me and Darry at least use protection and dad hates us and we are all we got left so wake up call, grow up" I spat at him and I rushed out of the tent into mine.

I bury my head into Darry chest and he stirs awake.

"What's wrong baby cakes?" he says I his groggy voice

"Dally might have impregnated a girl way younger than him" I say and he wraps his arms around me.

"Baby it's fine, he has us and the gang" Darry says and kisses the top if my head "c'mon, it's our last day here, let's be happy" he says and I smile.

"I'm gonna shower," Darry says an I nod

"Me too" the shower house is probably the only place I'm scared of. We walk over there and go to our gender appropriate rooms. I walk in there and there's dallys little broad, I'm taller than her, dang she's small.

"Umm Aubrey" she says in a small voice, I try to ignore her but she continues, "dally promises to be there if I am pregnant and he promises to be-"

"Promise this promise that you don't know dally like I know him, he's a shifty person" I snap and she looks at the floor.

"But he promises" she whispers

"Baby doll, I'll make him be there and I'll make him help you but I can't make him love the child" I say and she smiles slightly

"Thanks" she says and I get out. She starts to throw up violently in the restroom and I pull her hair out of the toilet, yup were screwed.

"No problem" I say and get dressed. I exit the scary-as-shit house and I see Darry standing there waiting for me.

"Your hot when you come out of the shower," he say and I blush. He kisses me on the cheek and I kiss his cheek also.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" I ask and he shrugs his shoulders

"We can go swimming or we can go work out later" Darry says and I nod my head

"I'm getting a little flabby" I say flexing showing my little muscles I have. He flexes his huge as hell muscles and I jump on his back.

"Your gettin heavier little lady" he jokes and I tap the top of his head. I miss his neck softly and he grips my thighs a little tighter "do you want me to drop you" he jokes and I pull away.

"That's your one weakness," I say

"Your my weakness" he says and I kiss his cheek. We head back to the camp with me still on his back.

We get there and everyone awake, even dally.

"Hey sis, can we talk?" dally ask. I look at him

"Bite me" I spit at him, Darry gives me a disapproving look and I look at dally "fine, whatever"

"Look I promise to be there if she even is pregnant" he says

"She is, she throwing up in the bath house so," I say and dally turns pale.

"I fucked up,"dally says and I nod, I grab his hand

"Me and Darry will try to be there for you" I say and he puts his head on my shoulder. "I'm not ready" he says and I smack him

"Man up boy, you can't be afraid forever" i say and he smiles

"Your so much like mom" he says and I smile

"Now get off me you fat lard" I say and we exit the tent. I go to mine and put on some running shorts and a tank.

"Let's go Darry" I say and soda and Steve follow Darry.

"They want to come" he says and I nod in approval.

"Okay, just keep up" I say and they both nod.

"We wanna be like Darry" soda jokes and Darry has him in a headlock

"Say uncle" Darry says and soda gives in the second Darry got him "your no fun soda," Darry says and Steve laughs.

We enter the room and I've never seen a fancier gym, me and Darry start our routine, ten minute run, the basics then to the heavy stuff.

"C'mon Aubrey, two more reps," Darry says, I'm proud that I can bench press 180. I finish my reps and it's Darry's turn, of course he can bench 230.

Steve and soda are struggling even though there way stronger than I can ever be.

We finish our workout and soda and Steve are drained. Me and Darry are okay but then again, we've been doing this for awhile.

We get to camp and everyone sitting around widdling sticks with their switchblades.

"Wow y'all are lazy" I say and everyone looks up.

"Let's go hunt some action" dally says and I shoot him a glare

"Get another girl pregnant, sure" I say giving him a cold stare.

"Why not" he says and I look away

"Let's go hiking" I say

"Do we look like we get out in the country much" Johnny says

"Well me and Darry are gonna go hiking" I say looking over to Darry

"Wait what" Darry says in surprise

"Yup, now get dressed" I say, man I'm a bitch.

-the hiking trail-

Everyone's tired and annoying so we had to go back. it's late and I decide to stay home and chill with Darry.

"So, it's been six months together, how do you want to spend it?" he says and I look at him

"Darry we don't have to do anything big," I say and he looks at me

"My princess needs something" he says cuddling up closer to me, I smile and kiss him.

"All I need is you" I say and he smiles. He jumps on me and he deepens the kiss. I break away "see we don't need anything big" I say and he smiles and continue or kiss.

I love him

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