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Darry pov
After we get home from our little beach party, we get a letter about a little party that involves the whole camp site.

"Do we have to go?" Aubrey questions

"Yes, because were gonna dance and have fun," I say and she rolls her eyes. I give her puppy dog eyes, a taste of her own medicine. She gives in and I kiss her. I throw on a button up and jeans, Aubrey is wearing a white shorts and a pale pink shirt.

"Wow" I say, she's perfect without makeup "y-your perfect" I studder and she raps her arms around my neck, kissing me, my only weakness, is her and her soft lips.

I kiss her neck and she moans softly, I grab her butt and she tiptoes. I let go and she kisses my neck, I squeeze her butt and I start to laugh.

"Were a hot mess, can't go five seconds without sex" I say and she laughs

We exit the tent and I grab Aubrey's hand.

Aubrey's pov

"Darry, will there be food at this party?" I question

"Well duh, it's a bar-b-que bre" he says and I laugh.

"Are y'all going?" daly asks

"Well duh, we brought it up," I say

"Well I though y'all might want to get the job done before we left" he sneers at me and I have him in a headlock the second it leaves his lips. "get off my fatty"

"Shut up" I say and we head out. I stare at dally and kiss Darry, hard and perfect. Ponyboy makes kind of a gag sound I shoot a look at dally and he pretends to gag.

"Uhh.." Darry says and he turns a little red on his cheeks, Darry doesn't like to kiss like that in public.

We get to the bonfire and I immediately you can cut the sexual tension with a knife. I grip Darry's hand tighter and he looks at me.

"Don't worry" he says bending over. He pecks my cheek and we start to enter.

"Aye guys this, is darma" sodapop says and twirls her around "she's a dancer"

"Cool" I say as me and Darry continue to dance.

"Can I steal her away from you" a stranger says and I look at Darry.

"Ummm" he says and the guy just takes me. I look back at Darry who is now very red.

"It's okay" I mouth and he nods.

The guy is making several attempts to go dirty but I DENIE it.

"What's a matter baby? You don't like dirty?" this man says and I shake my head no. "well that's gonna change". I look over to see Darry watching with rage in his face. I feel tugging at my shorts and I realize he's trying to get my undergarments. I pull away and punch him so hard, I think I chipped his tooth. Darry comes running over to me and I bury my face in his chest.

The guy gets back up and starts grabbing at my waist, I've never seen Darry hit that hard, ever.

"C-can we go back to camp" I say, Darry looks at me and he grabs my hand, he puts his other hand on my waist

"Can I have this dance" as soo as he said this a slow, romantic song came on and I smiled,

"Why yes Prince Charming" I say and I grab his hand.

Soda and everyone grab a partner and start to dance with us.

At the end of our dance Darry kisses me, long soft and full of passion.

"Remember, the first time we met" he starts as we walk back to camp.

"Yes, I was a complete bitch to you" I say and he smiles.

"I knew, when I saw you, this is gonna sound really corny but, I knew we were gonna be something" he says and I start to blush "I ignored you a lot because well, I didn't want to make a fool of myself and ruin it and like grow up alon-" he rambles on but I cut him off by kissing him.

"I love you goofball" I say he smiles and I smack his butt,

"MAMe that's my personal space" he say and I laugh.

"What's yours is mine" I say he smacks my butt,

"And what yours is mine" he says

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