The night of the dancing stars

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Aubrey's pov

I got home and it was only me and Darry. I looked throw the window and sall Darry facing the music machine dancing. I entered and Darry went straight up from his dance

"Got some moves Curtis" I say jokingly and I kiss him. We start to dance

<insert dirty dancing here :)>

We finish and im laughing. "were a pretty good team" I say.

He sits in his arm chair and I lay across him. It's about four so pony should be home soon. I start to kiss Darry and I bring him close. it's been three months since our relationship started we break away "happy anniversary" he whisper and I kiss him.

The door opens and I pull away to see dally and a random bra.

"Hey sis is this yours?" he questions

"No, it's a b cup, I'm a c cup"

"Mkay just askin" he says clearly drunk

"Dally in four o'clock ad your already drunk" I say clearly pissed, he ruined the moment

"Yea it is, why are y'all gonna have sex now" he say and runs out the door before I can reach him.

"Was that what that was" Darry says jokingly and grabs my hips. I see ponyboy down the street so I pull away from Darry. He looks confused and I point at pony, he nods and runs to the kitchen. I go up behind him and kiss his back and neck, "later baby," whisper in his ear and smack his butt. He turns around and laughs.

"Hey pony" I say happily

"Why hello my future sister-in-law" pony says and I hit him in the shoulder.

"Where did you hear that" Darry asks and pony Nd me at the same time "two-bit" I laugh and kiss Darry.

"Ew okay um, I'm gonna have my project partner over later" pony says "and yes it's a girl"

"Ooo pony has a girl over, pop the champagne" I say and Darry pushes me away.

Two bit, and a still drunk dally come into the house. "ponys having a girl over tonight so make sure everyone's on their best behavior" I say and two bit Cracks up, dally falls asleep the moment his head hits the couch.

"Good luck pony," I say as Darry carries dally to his room.

-that night-

Ponys girl comes over and we all get to meet her, she's sweet and she with perfect brown eyes and crimped hair.

"I'm Aubrey-" I get cut off by dally

"Curtis, and that's her husband Darrel Curtis" I push him away

"I'm Aubrey winston and this is my boyfriend Darrel Curtis" I say

"I'm pony older brother and that their is ponys other older brother." Darry say and points at sodapop.

"I'm Steve, this here is two bit and dally," Steve says pointing at each of them.

They go to ponys room and sodapop screams "use protection" And Darry shoots him a glare and we all laugh.

I pull Darry outside and we climb the roof. We lay on the roof and I'm in Darry's arms

"The stars are gorgeous" I say

"Just like you" he says and I roll on top of him

"Your so corny" I say and we kiss softly but full of passion.

"We should go inside, I don't think the neighbors would appreciate us having sex on the roof" Darry says and I laugh as we get down from the roof. He carries me bridal style to the room and we undress, he pulls out a little package from his drawer and his pants fall, damn. A good lady never kisses and tells, but it was damn good.

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