Road trips

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Aubrey's pov
-a week later-

"Are all of you ready because once we leave we aren't coming back" Darry yells as he packs up the car. "the only drivers are me, Aubrey, and Steve that's it and no dally, you suck at driving"

Were camping at lake texicoma all week since we all managed to get vacation time. Steve is taking soda, two bit, and dally. Darry and I are taking ponyboy and Johnny. It's a good two e drive so we stop at the diner and grab a bite to eat.

"So, tent arrangements" dally says ad we all look.

"Well, I was thinking me and Darry in one, soda, Steve and two bit in the other and you, Johnny and pony in the third." I say

"Why do y'all get y'all's own,"

"Because were the responsible ones" I say back and everyone nods. We repack and dally gets in the car with us, great.

"I'll drive the first hour then you, okay?" I say and Darry nods

"Okay" we get in and I kiss Darry because I know it gets dally mad

"Gross," Johnny says, his scar is a little healed, but it looks gross.

We drive and me and pony are singing along to almost every single song.

"Damn, you and pony should start a band" Darry says obviously annoyed.

"That's why I do it sweet cheeks" I tell him and he smirks.

The hour passes and Darry starts to drive with Steve behind us. The Beatles keep playing so I mostly never slept.

We get there and it's about five in the evening "do you want to go swimming?" soda questions and we all nod in agreement. I change into my two piece pink and black bathing suit and all the guys go in their boxers.

I get on Darry's back and he carries me all the way to the lake and as soon as we get there we all jump in. I'm really short so I stay on Darry's back. We mess around and of course two bit brings the beer. Everyone but sodapop drinks.

We swim around for about two hours and when we get back to camp grounds we all get to the shower house and shower. I shower in the ladies and get out quickly, it's scary as hell by yourself. I'm the first one at camp so I set up the tents. As soon as I finish the guys come back. I climb into me and Darry's and Darry follows. It's about 10:30 so I crawl under the sheets. I feel Darry get in but I feel somthing, got damn it, he's naked.

I cuddle closer to him and we start to kiss, glad I'm on the pill.

-next morning-
Darry pov
I wake up and I'm naked, god damn I was drunk. I look over to Aubrey and she's naked, whoops.

She wakes up and we both laugh,

"Every time and I'm still in pain" she giggles and I laugh. I get up and I hit my head on the top of the tent, Aubrey is laughing.

"You be quiet," I say as I rub my head, she stands up and barely hits her head. I grab her hips and kiss her softly, she kisses back.

- about two hours later-

We finish and it's about ten in the morning, my hangover is killing me, I see it's having a toll on Aubrey also. We get up and dress, she throws on some shorts, a red shirt and some converse. I grab shorts and a blue v neck with my converse.

We walk out and the only two awake are pony and Johnny."well y'all two were drunk" pony comments

"Oh god," I say

"Yup y'all two ran around the fire naked then had sex" dally says opening the tent door. Aubrey got red and I felt myself get red also.

"Dally and two bit joined y'all naked around the fire" Johnny says and dally turns red

"Damn Darry you really are big" soda comments opening the door as Steve follows. two bit wakes yo with ash all over his face.

He cleans himself up and grabs a beer. "So what's going on today " soda asks

"Well, I wanted to go dancing in the main hall later tonight, but we can go tubing right now" Aubrey suggest and everyone nods

"Well I want to pick up a broad or two tonight" dally says and Aubrey rolls her eyes.

"Got a light anyone" Aubrey asks and Johnny hands her a cancer stick. Me and bre start breakfast and everyone devours it before she put it down. she made me my egg and tomato sandwich and she had a bacon taco.

We eat and get dressed for tubing. The boys grab some shorts and Aubrey comes out in a black strapless chevron two piece that kinda made me double take.

"Beautiful as always baby" I say grabbing her hips, she kisses my neck and I melt under the feel.

"Guys" two bit calls out grabbing the tubes.

"Oh sorry" Aubrey calls out and I follow her.

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