Dallas winston

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Aubrey's pov

When I finally wake up its about ten at night and Darry's still asleep. I wiggle out of his tight grasp to go and eat some cold pizza.

"Your finally awake" I her soda call from the door frame.

"Shutup" I say and continue my eating "have y'all heard from dally?" I ask and soda looks at the group and nods his head no.

"Shit" I whisper under my breath. He's probably trying to run away from being a father. Soda grabs a slice of pizza and I swat his hand away, I'm territorial when it comes to food. He smiles and pats my back.

"Your a keeper, Darry got lucky" he jokes and I smile.

I hear Darry groan and walk into the kitchen. He kisses my cheek and grabs a pizza.

"Darry you really need pants" soda jokes pointing at Darry who only has boxers on

"I'll have you know it's hot and I need to cool the package" Darry said and soda laught

"Well it looks like you cooled down earlier" soda said and ran to the room, Darry chasing him.

"Darrel, hurry up and leave the poor pop alone" I called out as Darry came back into the room.

"Have you heard from Dallas" I asked Darry and he did the same thing as soda look down at the floor and say no. I laid my head on the table in frustration, were is he?

"He'll be fine," Darry says wrapping his strong arms around me.

"The door slammed and I looked on hope it would be dally, but no luck it was two bit, Steve, and Johnny.

"Have y'all seen Dallas?" I beg out hoping but they all shake their head no.

" Hey, Superdope were gonna crash here okay?" Steve ask as Darry nods his head.

I put my hands up and ask Darry for a piggy back ride. He smiles and motions me to jump on him and I obey. He carries me to the bed and I snuggle up to Darry, he wraps his strong arms tight around me.

/////next mornin'//////

I wake up with Darry still wrapped around me, it's about six am and I decide to dress for work. I wiggle out of Darry's grip and replace myself with a pillow.

I grab a shirt and my DX button up. I grab a pair of skinny jeans, some black socks and my converse and I start to change my clothes, Darry still asleep. I grab my makeup bag and sit in front of the mirror. I conceal a little bruise on my arm and neck from the shower last night and I apply it to my face. I add some eyeliner to my eyes and put on some red lipstick. I put away my bag and head to the kitchen, I crack some eggs into the pan and start breakfast.

"Ponyboy! rise and shine it's a school day" I yell into soda and ponys room "sodapop and Darry, you have work" I yell from the kitchen. I make Darry's egg sandwich and set out eggs for the rest.

"Kieth, Steve, Johnny" wake up you got school" I kick them and shook Johnny awake

"I smell food" soda runs into the room grabbing a plate

"Fatass" two bit calls out and soda sticks his tongue out

"And I'm proud off it" soda yells.

"Why is my girlfriend a pillow?" Darry asked confused

"Well no surprise" Steve says and Darry pushes him

"Hey babe" I say kissing him, he smiles and kisses me back

"Eww love" pony calls out ready for school.

"Y'all gonna walk to school today so" I tell them and they groan "complain now and I'll never take y'all again" and they all come to the table.

Soda runs to the shower "you got twenty minutes" Darry calls out

"Plenty of time" soda yells back as the shower turns on.

Darry eats and changes "pony do the dishes" me and Darry say and we laugh

"Parenting skills check," two bit say and everyone laugh

"Two bit help him" I say and he groans and gets up to help.

Soda finishes his five minute shower and pony walks in to fix his hair, Johnny and Steve also go to do their hair

"God y'all are so fruity" I say watching them do their hair.

I throw my curly hair in a bun and put on a head wrap with little cars on it.

"Aubrey grab my underwear" soda yells

"Why me?" I question and he gives me a do-it-or-else look on his face, I grab his pants and shirt and throw it at him.

If that's not crazy enough the phone rings and Darry picks it up as he buttons his shirt.

"Hello, dally?...are you okay?.....with who?" Darry says and I rush over to the phone and pull it out of his hands

"Where the hell are you?" I question sternly

"Aubrey? I'm with Morgan...she is pregnant" he says and I swear I wish I could strangle him over the phone.

"Dally, are you sure? " I ask and he replies yes. "okay, we will call later to go by, I have to work bye" I say and hang up the phone

"So the broads pregnant ad dally is with her so," I say and Darry nods

"We will be here for her" Johnny says and I nod

"Let's go I have to work" I say about to break down.

I rush out and the rest soon follows.

"I have practice after school so don't wait for me until six" pony yells

"Still pick me up though" Keith and Steve still call out and Johnny just runs along with them

"Okay have fun today" I yell out and Darry speeds off, today is gonna be a long hard day.

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