After party

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Darry pov
I wake up with Aubrey on top of me. I see the empty condom package and Finally realize what happens and I smile. I find the used thing and throw it away, gross. Aubrey wakes up and sees she naked. I show her the empty package and she sighs in relife.

"Thank god" she laughs.

"You wanna take a shower or..." I question and smile. Aubrey get up still naked and I wrap my arms around her.

"Is that you poking me or are you just happy to see me" she laughs and pulls away. We run to the restroom so dally, two bit, and Steve don't see us. We laugh and we jump in the shower. She washes my hair and I do the same. we start to kiss as we wash our bodies. We finish and I realize how much Aubrey is limping whoops.

"Baby are you okay" I question.

"Just a little pain, you ain't small boy" she winks and I carry her bridal style to the room. she gets some clothes on and moves to the front, I work today so she'll be alone for awhile.

"Well y'all finally stop having sex," Dallas says and Aubrey punches him in the stomach.

"Damn Darry you had her all night" two bit says and soda enters the room.

"Darry, you must be pretty big" soda jokes and we start to wrestle

"Say uncle" and soda gives up the second I have him in a headlock.

Aubrey's on the table with a pack of ice on her lady part. I walk in and kiss her tender spot, pony walks in and I pull away from her.

"Sall that" pony says "heard it also" he said laughing. and I ruffle with his hair.

"I gotta set the table Aubrey get up" pony says and she rolls to the floor. I pick her up and put her in my arm chair. I bring her some eggs and I have to leave I kisses her softly "stay home and get comfortable" I say

"And get ready for round two" dally says in a pissed off voice

"Are you jealous dally?" Aubrey says and start to wrestle and I break it up. Aubrey sits on the arm chair. I kiss her again and I exit the house.

Aubrey pov

God my part hurts. Darry isn't small, he's huger than I expect, ew gross. I sit on the chair and I'm slowly gaining feeling in my croch.

"Aubrey, can you take me too school, pony question and I nod slowly. I get up and start the car. two bit, Steve, Johnny and pony pile into the car and I drive.

"Soo, last night" two but says and I stare at him "eyes on the road"

"Keith there are kids I the car and I don't want to go into detail" I say sternly.

"I just want to know how he made you yell" I stop the car and stare a Keith.

"Either get out or shut up," I say and he puts his hands up in defeat.

"Bre" Johnny says

"Yes Johnnycakes" I say back

"C-can I stay over tonight" he questions

"Of course you can sweety" I say and drop them off.

"Thanks bre" they all say and I drive off.

I drive home and make me some food. dally is asleep in the couch I realize it's eight thirty and decided to go back to sleep.

I wake up and dally is shaking me awake "bre... are you okay?"

I stir awake with a cold sweat. Dally looks worried and I hug him.

"Aubrey are you scared of me" dally says sadly

"It's just, when you would beat me when I was a kid" I say holding back the tears. Dally turns white at the memory and starts to tear up.

"I'm so sorry bre, I never ment to scare you, I love you." dally says as a tear rolls down his cheek.

"I love you too dally" I say.

It's about four o'clock now and I go to pick up the kids. I pick them up

"Umm Aubrey can we take Brianna home with us for the project" he says

"Sure, she can stay for dinner if she wants," I say and they all pile into the car.

We get home and I start dinner, were having chicken soup since it's cold outside. I feel someone wrap their arms around me and start to kiss my neck, I put down the spoon and I grab the stovetop.

"Hey baby, you feeling okay" I hear Darry's sweet voice.

"Jeez Darry we have company" I hear ponyboy say with Brianna standing in the corner.

"You need to be exposed to this" I say and kiss Darry

"No he doesn't" Darry says laughing and pulling away.

Pony sets the table and puts the plates down. I serve everyone and we come to sit down,

"So Brianna how did you meet my loser brother" sodapop asks and ae eryone looks up, her eyes land on the floor.

"Well, we sit in algebra and math together" she says and looks up at pony.

"Do y'all have a thing, or what?" I ask and ponys eyes shoot at me.

"No," she says sadly and I look at pony and cock an eyebrow

We eat and I drive Brianna home.

I get home and throw on some baggy sweats and a half top. I crawl into bed with Darry in it. He stirs awake and smiles at me. He kisses me softly and I slip into a deep sleep. I sleep to the sound of Darry's soft and steady heartbeat.

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