And with love..

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Darry pov
All night we are havering fun and we pay and leave

"Hey dar, give me a piggyback ride" says Aubrey
I smile and I motion her to jump on my back. she jumps up and I'm surprised to find she is just about the same weight as pony. All the way home I carry Aubrey and we laugh a joke.

"Damn your heavy," I joke and she shoots me a glare. everyone laughs as she pouts.

"I so am not" she pouts giving a little lip as I drop her.laugh and pick her back up.

"Hey Darry I want to be carried," sodapop says as he jumps into my arms, he fails and falls on his butt, ponyboy is dying of laughter and so is Aubrey.

We get home and get the sleeping arrangements fixed. Dally stays up a little longer as I try to get comfortable when dally sits on me.

"Damn it dally, you got my bed now get to sleep" I say pushing him off.

"Darry, you and Aubrey," he says looking down "do you like her?" he ask

"Well, I've only known her for a day so I got to say, I kinda do." I say blushing

Dally starts to smile "y'all make a cute couple" he says jokingly " Mr. and Mrs. curtis" he says laughing

"Yeah yeah dally now get some sleep I got work in the morning" I say groggily

"Go to your room and keep Aubrey safe, please" dally says with concerned look on his face. I look up at him and he is motioning me to my room. I get up and hug dally, kinda awkward.

I get to the room and slid into the sheets. Aubrey laying there like an angel. I pull her close to me and she lays her head in the nape of my neck. I finally fall asleep to the steady sound of her breathing.

~two am~

I wake to the sound of the front door swinging open. I look at the still sleeping Aubrey. I slide out of her embrace and I walk to the room, I see a beaten black and blue Johnny sitting at the table. he has dry tears on his face and I embrace him.

"M-my dad" he manages to spit out and I get him some frozen peas. I put it on his bruised eye and I clean up his slight scar that was reopened form his first confrontation with the socs. I fix it up and I carry Johnny to my armchair.

I get back and find Aubrey awake, "were did you go" she questions

"Johnny got beaten and I just wanted to help him"

She smiles and she motions me to get back on the bed. We fall asleep and I smile, life is good....for now

My darlin'(Darry Curtis love story)Where stories live. Discover now