So, im sorry?

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Dally pov

I walk to me and Aubrey's old hiding spot, an old treehouse that I barely fit in.

"Aubrey?" I call out, I hear a sniffle and know it's Aubrey. Me and Aubrey only cry infront of each other. She pokes her head out from behind her door and sees me. She runs over and grabs my arm and pulls me into a deep embrace.

"Dally" she silently sobs, "I messed up, bad" she says and I hug her back

"Shhhh.. every thing will be okay" I comfort her. "Darry is very sorry" I say.

"He did nothing, I just don't know how to feel loved," she says quietly.

"Well I love you, the gang loves you, Darry loves you more than you know" I say and I feel her smile

"I love you too Dallas" she says

"If you tell anyone about this I will rip you to shreds" I joke and rap my arms around her.

Aubrey's pov

We head home and dally buys me a new pack of cigarettes. were on the street and we hear a car behind us. we look and it's bobs blue mustang. jeez, there too easy. Four socs pop out and there eying me up and down I can see dallys getting mad

"What's a pretty girl like you hanging with a greasy like him?" one questions I scoffed

"Because he's not a dirt bag like you and he's my brother." She says

"Well baby, let us show you a good time"

Dally gets mad and walks toward them "no dally, I got this" I say.

They walk closer to me and I walk forward I flirt with the big one, more than likely turning him on, perfect. I suddenly pull his eat and his whole body flips over. The others walk close and I knock the small one out. I let dally take the other one out.

"Damn sis, you have gotten stronger"

"New York teaches you well" I say back.

We hear footsteps and we turn around, its pony and Johnny. They are out of breath " trouble and we tried to hurry but seems like you got it" pony says laughing a little.

We all head home and I pull out a smoke "ain't gonna share" they all say and laugh. I hand all of them one and we all light up. We stomp them out and enter the house Darry, sodapop, and two bit are in the house. Darry stands up and we stare for awhile then, I run and jump into his arms. He swings me around and I shed a little tear "I'm so sorry Darry " I say

"It's not your fault love," he says and he puts me down. he kisses me and I kiss back, "okay guys we don't want to watch y'all having sex." dally says. we break apart and I chase dally out the house.

I walk in and everyone's laughing, even Darry. he puts his hands on my waist and I tippy toe to kiss him. he pulls me into a hug and is carrying me. "I'm sorry Darrel" I say and he laughs

"It's ok Aubrey," he says "I love you"

"I love you too dar,"

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