Wild child

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Aubrey pov

I've been in Tulsa for a complete month and to my surprise, I haven't gotten into any legal trouble. Darry, soda, and Steve are at work. Johnny, ponyboy, and two-bit are at school and dally probably piss drunk in a ditch somewhere. It gets boring, and fast. I go out on the porch and pull out my cancer sticks when I realize, I only have one. Damn pony must have taken a few.

I go down to the store and go up to the counter. "pack of cigarettes" I ask smoothly. The clerk smiles and gives me a pack "two dollars please" she asks.

I look at her and I'm an instant I swipe the smokes and dash out of there. I run fast but the cop car catches up to me and I start to sprint. I get cut off by the cop car and almost get hit. The officer comes out and grabs my hands, locking them in handcuffs.

"Name" the officer said In a bit so nice tone.

"Aubrey" I say in the same tone

"Full name" the cop said getting impatient.

"Aubrey Noel Winston" I say sarcastically

"Don't get smart with me, I get you locked up for a while missy" the officer said

"Well I kinda already new that soo," I say. We go down to the station and I get thrown into a quite spacey cell. I lay there wondering if anyone will miss me, probably.

"Who do you want to call, to get you?" the kinder officer lady.

"Well, my boyfriend doesn't get off till about seven so anytime after seven call this number" I say.

Looks like I'm gonna be here for a while.

Darry pov

I get home and the house seems too quiet. Me, pony and soda are the only ones here, where's Aubrey.

There's a ring at the phone, pony answers "hello...hes right here...okay" pony looks over to me and motions me to come and answer.


"Mr. Darrel Curtis?"


"We have Aubrey here down at the station, with attempted robbery"

The next thing I know I hang up and grab my car keys. soda follows and pony following close behind.

We get to the station and I see Aubrey laying throwing something up and down in the air.

"Mrs. Winston" the lady calls her name and she shoots up looking at me "bout' time y'all come" she jokes, I am in no mood to joke.

Sodapop pov

I can see anger in Darry's eyes the drive over there and the time we pick her up.

She gets in the back because I can't trust Darry while he's angry.

"What the hell?" Darry says in a lightly raised voice.

"What do you mean?" she starts to smile

Darry slams his fist into the consol of the car and that gets everyone's attention. "damn it Aubrey, you can't get in trouble like you do in New York!"

Aubrey eyes get a fiery look in them "I know what I'm doing Darry! I don't neeed to be babied by anyone not you, dally, soda, or two!" She says.

"I'm trying to help you! don't you understand how much I love you" he says in a calm voice, that means he's about to explode.

"Guys, not here," I say and Darry shoots me a look, probably shouldn't have said that.

"Soda, this doesn't involve you" he says and the car comes to a stop at the house. Aubrey jumps out and runs in the opposite direction. Darry tried to catch her but she's to fast, pony tries and she outruns him.

We go home and Darry looks like he just killed someone. Dally walks in and I tell him the whole situation.

"Yeah, this happens a lot, she will be home soon" Dally says "she always did that when she was mad or her boyfriend broke up"

"So where does she go?" I question Dally shakes his head

"It's a secret, I'll go and get her." He says and exits the door

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