Morgan kelly

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Aubrey's pov
Work is work, the hours seem to pass by in slow. The occasional customer, both socs and grease. Guys hitting on you here and there and to that I say "fuck you".

"Excuse me beautiful?, I wanted to know if your free tonight." I hear a voice call out.

"Fuck off" I say and the guy chuckles

"But you love me" he says and I look up to see a smiling Darry. "I can tell you're a favorite" I smile and kiss him.

"What are you doing here love" I ask as I help out a customer.

"Well, we finished early and I had nothing better to do but sit around with sweaty men an I decide, how's my love?" he says and I blush

"I will take you up on that date" I smile and I ring up the man. A petite girl comes up and she has a good over her, her frame looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

"Hey you two no PDA," our boss calls out and I blush. The girl gives me money and runs off,

"You don't want change?" I call out but the girl is already gone. I see her get into bucks t-Bird and realize, was that Morgan?

I shake off the though and soda enters the store Steve following. Work is almost over so everyone hangs out inside. Darry and soda are laughing and Steve is drinking a coke. "will y'all buffoons get back to work?" I joke and they all laugh at me.

"Says the one reading the paper" Darry comments and I look at him

"Says the one who does the same thing." Steve says and I laugh.

Our shift ends and we start walking home. We see a bobs blue mustang behind us but it soon passes us up as soon as they see Darry. Darry can take all of them so I would be scared too.

As we approach the house I see a weird car in the drive way next to Darry's truck. I soon realize it's bucks t-bird and realize that might be Dally.

We enter the house to see Dally and Morgan sitting at the table, and Dally looks tired. "Aubrey, Darry we need to talk." Dally says. I hand soda money to go hang at the dingo for awhile with Steve and shoo them out.

"What's wrong Dallas?" I ask wrapping my arms around him

He shifts uncomfortably and I sit down next to Darry. "Morgan is pregnant and, I don't think we're ready" Dally says and Morgan sheds a tear " so after it's born it's going to adoption" as those words leave Dally's lips I stand up

"No, your gonna keep it, y'alls fault for being stupid your gonna pay the price" I say and Darry pulls me to sit down.

"But Aubrey, I-Im not father material" he says

"Well we will make you one" I say dally smiles under his breath "Darry and I will be here for y'all and Darry will help
You" I say as Darry rubs my back.

Dally starts to tear up and a tear drop escapes his eyes. " I love you bre" he says standing up to hug me. I smile and reply "ditto".

I hug Morgan who is a little shorter than me which is scary since I'm barely 5'8.

They head back to Morgans house which isn't that far which is pretty good.

Darry wraps his big strong arms around my waist and I smile "so our seven month anniversary is coming up" he says and I turn around

"I literally cannot believe you actually remember." I say kissing him

"Off course I would remember my girls special day" he says and I blush.

"Two bit is here with children so no sex please" two bit says.

I laugh and start dinner since it's about six. Steve and soda come home and soon ponyboy and Johnny got to the lot and back. Me and Darry are cooking as everyone piles to the table.

The two chickens and sides and done and I grab the chicken legs since that's really all I eat. We place the food on the table me and Darry have out pickings and sit in the living room.

"Aubrey, are we every gonna get married?" Darry asks and I almost choke on my macaroni.

"What?" I gasp out and Darry's laughing at me.

"Are we gonna get married" he repeats and I shrug my shoulder

"Mabey next year around this Tim-"

"No how about now" Darry cuts me off and I chuckle

"Mabey Curtis, if you play your cards right I say kissing his cheek.

Dally suddenly walks in with Morgan in his hands and a cigarette in his mouth.

"Yah know dally you should quit smokin'" Steve says and dally chuckles

"When pigs fly" he replies and sits Morgan at the table. The guys are staring at her and I can tell she's getting nervouse

"Morgan how are you" I call out and she nods he head and replies "good".

Dally puts down a plate and they eat as dally laughs and Morgan gets more and more embarrassed as dally brings up the pregnancy.

Dally and Morgan migrate to the living room next to me and Darry.

"So, how are the love birds" he ask and I scoff

"I should be askin the same thing"

"Were gettin married" dally says and I literally spit out all the coke in my mouth

Dallas laughs " just kiddin', I was hoping you were gonna say that" I punch dally in the arm as I clean up the spit.

Everyone starts to head out. I ask Johnny If he would like to stay over but he turns down the offer. Pony has school so he goes to bed early. two heads home to his mother and Steve stays since his dad is probably piss drunk. Dally heads back with Morgan.

I give Steve blankets and head to bed with Darry. I cuddle in his chest and soon find myself asleep. safe and sound with the man I've been waiting for.

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