What is love?

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Darry pov
It gets late and Aubrey fell asleep in my arms. I gently carry her to the bedroom and lay her down, I leave to go to the restroom and I her Aubrey call out to me. I rush out and see a sleepy Aubrey trying to open her eyes

"Zip up your pants big shot" she says and I look down and an surprised at my view. I quickly fix it and throw off my pants. Aubrey rolls out of bed and goes to the dresser. She pulls out some sweats and one of my old shirts. it's really big on her since she's the size of pony, but it makes her look cute.

"Close your eyes" she say smiling

"Do I have to" I joke with her. She nods and I do as she says, peeking just a little.she grabs my hands and pulls them away from my face. She smiles and kisses me softly. She pulls away and we both smile.

She rolls over me and I laugh. I pull her close and she starts to draw circles in my back.

"What's love?" she questions

I grab her hand, "when two people love each-other very much, the want to be a couple" I say. she nods slowly.

"Are we in love?" she asks looking up at me

"Very" I say and kiss her forehead.

"Dar, when you said you love me, did you really mean it?," she asks

"Baby, of course I love you with all my heart" I say hugging her tighter

"I love you too"she says smiling. She kisses my chest and she soon falls asleep.

-that night-

"No dally, please..." I hear Aubrey say "I didn't mean it, I swear, it was shay not me,"

She starts to shake and starts to scream. I rustle her awake and she stares at me tears fill her eyes

"Sh sh, he ain't gonna hurt no more," I say cradling her in my arms.

Sodapop and ponyboy rush into the room with worry on their faces. Aubrey hardens up "I'm fine just a little nightmare" she says. I know she hates crying in front of people so she tries to hide it.

"You sure Aubrey?" soda questions

"Yes I'm fine, Darry's here" she says hugging me tightly. They leave and she pulls me close burying her head in my chest. I hear her silently sob and I kiss her head. She looks at me her green eyes sparkling with orange "I've never met a lady with your eyes" I say. She slightly smiles and I kisses softly. I run my fingers through her wavy light brown hair and she does the same. I soon feel her limp and see she's still cradled in my arms, safe and sound.


Aubrey pov

I forget about last night.. I don't want to remeber. it's about seven am and I wake up still in Darry's arms.

"Did you stay up all night?" I question knowing he has a day off today.

"Mabey" he says in a sleepy tone. I kiss him softly but full of passion. We. Real away and I smile causing him to smile also. "I love you" he says still holding me tightly.

"I love you too" I say kissing him again. I pull him towards the bed not breaking the kiss. We finally break and I get up. He smiles and follows.

"Now I'm gonna shower don't annoy me." I say joking to Darry.

"You know I need a shower too" he says laughing. I grab some under clothes and I grab my DX outfit. I enter the restroom, undress and find the perfect heat. I hear someone enter

"I'm in here!" I yell

"Whoops" I hear Steve call out

"I really hate you" I yell at Steve and Darry pulls him out.

"Sorry babe" I hear Darry say silently "I now have to protect you" he says and I see his smile.

"Oh fine Darry " I says and we talk the whole shower.

"Leave now" I say and he shakes his head.

"No baby" he says

"Then hand me a towel at least" I says and he hands me the towel. I dry off and pull the curtains. I grab my bra and underwear and close the curtain. I grab for my shirt but Darry stops me.

"Darrel I have to work" I say shaky and he runs his hands up and down.

"Darry..." I say and he pulls away laughing. he kisses me and I push him out of the restroom.

I get dressed and and soda, Steve and me head out to work.

We get there and the usual crowd of girls around sodapop. My shift ends and another girl heads to my old spot.

As usual a soc car comes up behind me.

"Remember us baby" he says and three socs jump out.

I turn to look, I'm done with Their bullshit.

I look at thri leader and I punch him in the face, knocking him out cold. The other socs look and run "baby's" I say to myself and walk off.

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