Close to him

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I sat there not knowing what to say. I was sitting on Mikes basement couch with a blanket wrapped around me... Infront of me stood the entire party, including Eleven. Jonathan and the other two informed Hopper about me so now he's been trying to contact my mom who was out of town...

"I was never dead. The lab assumed I was... I had a seizure after closing the portal. I have this weird thing that happens to me after all my seizures. I become paralysed and while I'm blacked out I can hear things, but I just can't open my eyes or move. And then I woke up in the Upside down, found my way out and then closed that portal. That's what happened." I explained just staring at all of them.

My eyes scanned across all their faces, and then I just glared at how close Eleven and Mike were as they stood together, their hands were holding.

Of course I was angry and jealous. I looked down and placed my head in my hands,

"Are you okay?" Will spoke as he sat next to me, I nodded my head.

"No. I have a pounding headache." I replied, Will smiled at me lightly.

"I'll get you some water and medication. Mike, do you have any Vitamin C's? She could use some!" Will mentioned while standing up, I thanked Will.

"It's okay Will. I'll get her what she needs." Mike replied then walked off, I sniffled and looked up at the party.

"The towns reaction is going to be priceless. Half the people in town and basically the entire school came to your funeral..." Dustin mentioned, I grinned as he mentioned it in such a funny tone.

I felt as Will nudged me a little, I turned my head to face him as he smiled.

"She'll just become a zombie, like me." He replied, I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"We really missed you Y/N. And don't ever think that it would be better with out you, we love you." Lucas explained, The entire group nodded their head in agreement. But, I don't think Eleven agreed. She just stood there glaring and waiting on Mike.

Mike POV

I grabbed everything Y/N needed and made my way back downstairs again. I was so close to falling half way down the steps but I gathered my balance again and realised the party watched as I nearly fell, they had on these smirks and I rolled my eyes.

"Go ahead. Laugh at me." I mentioned, I realised
Y/N didn't look happy or fine when I passed her what she needed. I watched as she took a sip of her water and then her medication, as I kept my eyes on her I felt as Eleven kept gripping onto my hands, she was trying to grab my attention.

"Mike. Can I stay here tonight?" Eleven spoke pretty loudly, I agreed and wrapped my arms around her as she clung onto me, I smirked as Eleven gave me a smiling face.

"Eggo's tonight!" She whispered, I agreed.

Y/N then stood up.

"I need some air. I'm going to go outside for a bit."
Y/N mumbled then walked off, we watched as she made her way upstairs.

"Is she okay? I feel like she isn't acting like herself..." Max asked, Dustin shrugged his shoulders.

"She's just overwhelmed." Dustin replied. I untangled myself from El and then grabbed Y/N's empty glass, I said I had to return this upstairs. It was just my excuse to go upstairs and talk to Y/N so then Eleven wouldn't be so clingy and ask why I followed Y/N like a puppy dog.

I ran upstairs and placed the glass in the sink, I then made my way to the front of the house. Examining Infront of me I walked out and saw Y/N standing there with her arms folded and her head just staring up at the sky.

"Why the long face?" I asked as I joined her and folded my arms. I could feel her eyes staring at me when she turned her head.

"Nothing. It's Just my face. You Should be use to it." She replied and scoffed. I raised my brows and turned my head to stare at her.

"What's your problem? Shouldn't you be happy that we found you? Cause I'm happy we did." I whispered, Y/N sniffled and wiped her tears.

"What if I didn't want to be found."she mentioned then walked off, I followed her and intertwined our fingers as I held her hand.

"Why would you say that? You don't like your friends anymore? Your family? Your life? " I asked as I stared into her eyes, I could feel mine tear up.

"No. I just don't like you and Eleven..." she replied, I flared my nostrils and let go of her hand slowly. She didn't like me and Eleven together.

"Y/N she's my girlfriend- I KNOW, look, I don't understand you, or Us. You expressed so much to me when I was in Hawkins Lab, you even kissed me. And for what? Nothing? You only said those things because... hmm let me guess, because I was dying." She explained with tears, I nodded my head and grabbed her hand again, but she backed away and didn't even want to be touched by me.

"Don't. I should have never let you get close to me while I was in Hawkins Lab." She mumbled. I gripped onto my hair frustrated, I took a step towards her but she nodded a no.

"We have this great plan. Since Y/N's Mom is out of town we should all sleep over at hers." Will mentioned as he stepped outside with the party. The whole party just glared at us. I wiped my tears and so did Y/N.

"Abort.." Dustin whispered.

- Chapter 4

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