I allowed for the entire party to sleepover at mine tonight. I even talked to mom over the phone. Hoppers great idea was to tell everyone in town that I went missing and then I was found, alive.
Tonight's dinner was pizza, we ordered like 7 boxes of pizza and conjoined most of our allowance money.
"The pizza should be here now, I'm starving." Max argued, I agreed and Eleven walked over to join us.
She didn't say anything, she just stood there... This was awkward, I could feel her glaring eyes on me. I inhaled and just shook the thought of Eleven out of my head.
"Max, Don't 'our' boyfriends look cute tonight!" Eleven spoke as she faced the boys who were sitting in my lounge just playing with a pack of cards, I just scoffed. The three of us had our eyes at the 4 boys who were playing cards, I stared at Mike.
"Yeah. I bought Lucas those new pants for his birthday and they look so good on him." Max replied, I smacked my lips together and just ignored the fact that I didn't have a boyfriend.
"Mike got me this cute gold necklace for Christmas, I wear it everyday! I just love my boyfriend." Eleven mentioned, I faked a smile as I stared at her.... wow cool, you have a necklace.
*Knock Knock*
"PIZZA's HERE!" Dustin yelled, I thanked the lord and rushed over to open the door. Snatching those pizza's I made my way to the kitchen and declared that we should START MUNCHING ON FOOD.
I made sure my guest were served first so I grabbed them napkins and beverages while they digged into their Pizza's."Here, Y/N I saved you some Pepperoni and Mushroom slices!" Will mentioned, I raised my brow and thanked him as I jumped onto the couch next to him.
"You're my favourite, you know that?" I mentioned just smiling at him, he shrugged and pretended to pop his collar. I rolled my eyes and began eating.
"Whatever Byers, you think your that cool?- You know I am." He replied, I smirked and he just nudged my arm lightly.
"I thought Mike was your favourite-Uh" Dustin spoke, I coughed and started choking on my Pizza.
Eleven then stood up and decided to walk over to Mike and sit on his lap, I flared my nostrils and just looked somewhere else, I looked over at Dustin, he was pulling his cheese off the pizza slice and eating it on its own."You weirdo." I mumbled with a grin, Dustin faced me and gave me a soft smile.
"I have my weird ways, yes." He replied then chuckled.
Mike POV
After dinner we all sat in a circle just talking and eating candy.
"I want to ask Brandi Cole out, but I'm scared." Dustin mentioned, I raised my brows and we all stared at him.
"Just ask her out, the worst thing she'll say is no....and then call you creep because it's obvious you stare at her in class." Lucas mentioned, I started laughing and felt as Eleven snuggled her head into my right shoulder.
"And anyway, if she says no, then you can ask out the other girls you crush on." I spoke, Dustin nodded his head and winked at us.
"Yeah, there's so many cute girls at school." Dustin responded, Y/N then interrupted.
"Yeah agreed, also there's so many cute boys at our school that I never really noticed. I think, wait what's his name again?Uh, Oh! Richard or Richie from Gym class, me and Max were just talking about how adorable he is. He walks around school with his Hawaiian button ups and his bug-eyed glasses. I think he's something special. " Y/N mentioned, I nodded a no and stood up.
"He thinks he's funny but he has terrible humor. He doesn't even listen in class, AND his group don't even like us...so don't even try going after him." I mentioned then clenched my jaw. Lucas chuckled,
"Don't be jealous because Richie got a higher score and bet you in street-fighter at the arcade, he's a cool dude and you know that, we talk to him in the library sometimes." Lucas explained, Y/N laughed slightly.
I knew what she was doing, she was just saying what she 'said' because she wanted me jealous.
"Richie has cute friends as well-" I didn't even want to hear what she was going to talk about, so I walked away, I wandered off into the kitchen.
I stood in the kitchen and breathed in and out, footsteps appeared and I examined as Y/N walked over to me.
"What are you doing? Are you trying to get me angr- No, not at all. I mean, you shouldn't be angry, it's not like I'm your girlfriend or anything." She replied cutting me off, I scoffed and watched as she grabbed her glass of water and then walked off.
-chapter 5
- y'all asked for a crossover, so y'all are going to get one. Yes or No? Comment if you want me to continue the crossover!! 💛💝

Forwards sequel
FanfictionSequel to backwards. Mike and the whole party have lost Y/N.... Something strange Happens.