i love you

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Richie POV

Almost everyone was asleep. You guessed it, we all had to sleep downstairs in Bill's basement... We had blankets and pillows everywhere. I was still awake with Y/N... she had her head leaning onto my chest and my arms wrapped around her. I looked down at my girl and smiled as she mumbled.

"I'm glad you didn't die in the upside down." I whispered, her soft smile showed and she clung onto me.
I smacked my lips together and placed small circles on her back with my fingers.

"What were your thoughts when you were near your death experience?" I whispered, Y/N looked up at me and didn't say a word. She exhaled,

"I was uh, thinking about Mike." She mumbled nervously, I smirked and held her closer to me. She sounded like she was to nervous to tell me that, but I didn't care.

"Don't ever feel like you can't tell me that kind of stuff, Ok? You can tell me that you were thinking of him, I know you loved him, he use to be your boyfriend." I replied then kissed her forehead.

Y/N then looked up at me and leaned in, I felt as her soft lips came in contact with mine. I smiled during the kiss.

"I love you." She whispered as she pulled away. I felt my heart skip a beat. Oh shit, she said she loved me. I think I died a little. My cheeks became hot and red.

I opened my mouth and was meant to say it back but I freaked and no words came out.

"I-I-I." I stuttered, Y/N quietly giggled.

"It's okay, you don't have to say it back." Y/N whispered, I nodded a no and gulped. I took a deep breath and faced my girl.

"I want to say it. I love you Y/N." I replied calmly, she just grinned and leaned back into my chest again. Ah this was the best night of my life, this night beats the night I won a Walkman at the arcade.

Mike POV

I laid there super still, without movement on the floor, a couple meters away from me were Y/N and Richie. I over heard them talking because I was still awake and couldn't sleep....she said she loved him.

I was facing the wall and kept quiet. To hear her say the words "I love you" just reminded me of the day she told me she loved me lastly.. I then flashed-back to the day  me and her slowed danced in Hawkins Lab, this was before she had to leave me so she could close the gate...

"If something happens to me, then I have to say that you mean the world to me, even with everything we've been through, I'd still chose you. And I didn't want to die and not tell you that... I love you Mike." She mumbled then leaned her head into my chest as we swayed side to side.

-end of flashback memory-

I opened my eyes and snapped out of my mind as I flashed back, I felt as my tears escaped. My heart was broken... I was broken... I ruined all my chances with her. She was happier with him. I could try to smile and hide the truth.

My silent cry continued and I sniffled. I wanted her in my arms again. I couldn't hold in my tears, slowly I got up and made my way up upstairs and into the house. I quietly headed towards the backdoor and stood outside... The cold air was calming, finally I could let my tears stream freely. I cried so hard that no sound came out, my tears were almost dry and my body was weak.

I knew she was happier with him. Why wasn't she happy with me? It's because of me? It was my fault. I didn't try hard enough, I wasn't good enough for her...

*door slides open*

I wiped my tears and turned around to see Y/N.

She held her hands up to her arms and motioned that she was cold.

"Mike? What are you doing?" She asked and stood next to me. I gulped and made sure she didn't see me crying or even know that I was sad.

"I needed some air. I could say the same to you, what are you doing up?" I asked back. Y/N smirked as she stared at me.

"Needed Air too. Plus, I heard noises." She replied then looked down at the ground. I softly chuckled and faced her again.

She opened her mouth and then giggled.

"Do you remember when we use to sneak out? We'd leave my house and run into meadows at night and the pumpkin patches." Y/N mentioned with a grin, I nodded my head just agreeing. I turned my head to glance at her...

"You really love Richie, right?" I mumbled, Y/N blinked and agreed. She then shivered and smiled.

"Oooo. I just got chills and shivers just thinking about Richie and I." Y/N replied, I coughed and wanted to start crying. Y/N gave me a facial expression, it kinda looked like a 'I miss you though' facial expression. I exhaled out the cold air and watched as the wind carried my exhale.

"We should get inside, it's dangerous to be out here alone." Y/N spoke as she headed towards the door. I stood there and she grabbed onto my hand and dragged me with her.

"Come on Wheeler. Get some sleep, we have sewer duty tomorrow." She explained. I chuckled.

-chapter 16
-I cried writing Mike's POV 😭❤️

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