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I rubbed my eyes as I tried focusing on doing my homework, I couldn't concentrate and my eye sight became even more blurrier. I had a headache as well and just continued to drink water.

"You okay?" Richie asked as he turned to face me, I nodded a yes and smiled at him. We were both on my bed just doing homework together, I glanced at his homework book and then closed it shut.

"Enough study for today. What should we do?" I asked, Richie smirked and leaned his head onto my shoulder.

"I have to go home soon remember? I get to see dad since he's come here to visit, and then after that I'm meeting with the boys at the arcade. Dustin is trying to beat my score- Let me guess, your street fighter highscore?" I asked smiling with a raised brow, Richie nodded his head and sat up properly. His cute smile made me grin super hard, I sat up and felt super dizzy.

"You should get some rest. You don't look well." Richie mumbled, I agreed and tucked myself into bed. Richie then leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"Rest, princess." He whispered, I blushed and hated that I didn't feel well. I laid in bed just tired and weak, I was afraid of having seizures.

Mom would come and help me from time to time but it was difficult for me to use the restroom, I walked slowly and I was always dizzy and loopy, not to mention drozzy.

I had my eyes closed and heard footsteps approach, I groaned and fluttered my eyes open. I moved my head up to see that Mike was standing at my door, he smiled lightly. He also was holding a bowl of soup.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered then laid my head back down, I examined as Mike made his way over and sat at the edge of my bed.

"I was picking up the baking trays your mom borrowed from us, cause mom needed them. And then your mom explained you were sick, she asked me to come up here and help feed you, I know your weak." Mike explained, I nodded my head slowly and winced in pain as I sat up in my bed. I felt so dizzy and my room was spinning chaotically.

"You ready?" Mike asked as he picked up the spoon. I agreed. I got spoon fed and I wasn't hungry, but I knew I had to force feed myself or I wasn't going to get any better.

I examined as Mike blew on each spoonful before feeding me.

"Thanks Mike." I spoke faintly, he smiled and continued to feed me.

"Where's... El?" I asked as I took my time trying to speak and breathe. Mike exhaled and raised his brows.

"Beverly decided to take Max and El shopping since you couldn't go with Bev's." Mike replied, I then felt as Mike pushed my hair behind my ears before spoon feeding me again.

"So, are you and Richie... you know dating?" Mike whispered, I slowly nodded my head.

"Yeah. He also asked me to the formal coming up this week. I'm excited! Are you and El excited?" I asked with a warm smile. Mike agreed. I analysed how quiet Mike was...

I allowed him to place down my bowl of soup, I faced him and asked him if he was okay... of course he wasn't. I knew he missed me. Mike looked up at me, his eyes were filled with sadness and sorrow

"Don't be sad. Mike, you don't know what you want so take some time to reflect. I'm probably not good for you, so, just forget about me, forget about us. It'll be easy for you to move on. It's okay." I explained, Mike nodded a no.

"I'm not confused anymore. I know I want you." He replied, I held Mike's hand and faced him.

"Like I said, you're too late." I mumbled, Mike sniffled.

"I miss you...but, I know you like Richie a lot. So, everyday I'll try my best to move on." Mike explained, I thanked him.

Mike POV

I died inside telling her that I'd try my best to 'move' on because I knew that moving on was going to be super hard.

Also, I wasn't going to tell her....yet, that me and Eleven are no longer together. I wasn't going to be taking her to the next formal.

-Chapter 12
-mike and eleven are over and Richie and Y/N have become a thing!! ❤️ but.....

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