Listen to me

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Song: Forest Fire- Brighton. Every time I hear this song I always thinking about Mike. I feel like this song fits in so well between Y/N and Mike.

Mike POV

"How bad does your ankle hurt?" Cole asked as he stared at my ankle. I winched in pain and slightly moved it.

"Hurts pretty bad." I replied just staring back at him.

Cole stayed quiet and so did I. "You guys were looking for me? Why?" He asked with a raised brow. I chuckled and raised my brows.

"I've known you since pre-school. So have the others, just because we aren't close doesn't mean I wouldn't try my best to get you back." I replied then gulped. Cole gave me a high five.

He then started explaining on how he survived his first day in the upside down. I then told him that this is how Will aka Zombie Boy went missing, and that Barb died down here because of the demogorgan. It shocked Cole, which would make sense. I then had to explain about Y/N and El, how they had powers and were connected to the upside down.

"How do we get out? I've been looking for a way out- Y/N is coming." I replied interrupting him. Cole nodded his head and brushed his hand along his nose.

"Oh, are you guys still dating? Last time I was at school, you know before home school, I remember you two got together an- No. We're no longer together, she's dating Richie Tozier." I replied and exhaled a breath.

Cole raised his brows. "Richie? Isn't he a dick?" Cole asked, I shrugged my shoulders and nodded a no.

"Not anymore. He's changed because of Y/N..." I replied back.


We were getting closer to my home... On the way to my house all I could think about was 'how was I going to close the main portal?'. Where was this Cole kid? We haven't found him.. ugh, what if he isn't even in the upside down? Shit.

"You okay? Y/N?" Jonathan asked, I snapped out of my thoughts and we continued walking. As we walked El and Jonathan were ahead of me and Steve. I admired El and Jonathan's sibling relationship, along with Will. Hopper and Joyce were great, they are such a cute family. I then turned to Steve, my big brother basically.

I was thankful to have him.

"Steve?" I asked, he turned to face me.

"Hmm little one?" He replied and raised his brows. I smiled lightly and gulped.

"Tonight, it'll be hard trying to close the portal. So, I-I'm thinking, that Eleven will close it from the outside and I help close it from the inside. You guys will be safe outside and I'll be here to close it, this is for Hawkins safety. This main portal can't stay open." I mentioned, I had thought this plan out on the way to my house.

Steve nodded a no. "No, No. We'll find another way, I am not losing you. You can't stay in the upside down again. We just got you back?! You can't just leave us again?" He asked and stopped walking, I nodded a no. Jonathan and Eleven turned around, they came over and heard everything.

"Wait you can't stay back- Jonathan, I have to close it from the inside while El closes it from the outside. It might be the only way." I spoke cutting him off. Jonathan clenched his jaw.

"There has to be another way- No, I've planned out other options. This is the main plan, ok? Now let's stop buggin and let's continue walking, we're nearly there. We don't want to be caught up by a demogorgan." I replied, they all gave me a stare and then continued walking.

Reaching my neighbourhood I needed to tell Steve something.

"Listen to me. I know Mike will fight and would want me to come out instead of going ahead with my plan. So I need you to take him when I say it's time. Grab him and don't obey his orders, he'll say whatever it takes to save me, but it isn't his choice." I explained, Steve stayed quiet and agreed. He sniffled and I nudged his arm lightly so it would lighten up the mood a little.

"You're going to die down here... I can't have you do that to yourself." Steve mumbled, I smiled lightly.

"Like I said before, I'm dying anyway. I get weaker day by day. Seizure by seizure. I'm surprised I'm still walking right now." I replied, Steve wiped his tears.

"I need you to tell the gang I loved them and I don't regret my last moments with them, they're everything to me. My mom knows I love her, but just remind her when you see her. And for Richie, tell him I'm sorry and that I-I didn't want to hurt him like this. I just want this whole thing to be over." I explained, Steve just whimpered and sniffled up all of his excess fluid from his nose.

Mike POV

The noise of sticks, branches and leaves crunched. Cole was scared and hid down into the ground. I looked out the window and analysed the area...

I saw Jonathan and El... and then Steve with Y/N. I stood up straight and made sure they could see me from the upstairs window, I caught Steve's attention and waved.

"Cole stand up! Their here for us." I mentioned, Cole then stood up and looked.

"We're going home." Cole whispered. They entered the house and footsteps approached the stairs, I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw Y/N run through her bedroom door. She wrapped her as around me, I held her close to me and started crying.

"I found you, I found you." She whispered while crying, she then started hyperventilating so I calmed her down. Eleven and the other two walked in, happy to see me and Cole.

-chapter 23
-thoughts? OOOOOO 😭❤️

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