I was feeling super tired. Richie was acting strange tonight and super, ugh clingy?
I could feel the bags under my eyes and wanted to sleep. It was time for me to bike home and get some rest. The entire group were still having a good time and I didn't want to kill joy it, my body turned to face Richie.
"I think I'll go home- Come on babe, we're having a good time! Plus we'll be going to the arcade after." Richie mentioned, I nodded a no and licked my lips.
I explained to the group that I wanted to go home, Finn tried encouraging me to stay longer but I wasn't feeling it. Everyone begged for me to stay,
"Sorry guys, but I asked Y/N to take me home. I'm tired and sore." Mike mentioned out of nowhere. I realised he was helping me out and made an excuse up. I smirked to myself and agreed to his words.
We said our goodbyes and made our way out to the bike rack near the diner."Thanks for the save." I whispered as we walked, Mike grinned and held onto his side, I could tell he was in pain.
"You shouldn't have come, you clearly need to stay home and rest..." I mentioned, Mike nodded a no.
"I wanted to come. Anyway, I'm going home aren't I? You're taking me home." Mike replied, I chuckled and was about to nudge him until I remembered his bruised body.
"You'll have to sit behind me- I know... Look at us, switching it up, usually you're behind me clinging on." Mike spoke, I giggled hopped onto my bike. I then gestured for him to get on back and hold onto me.
Mike POV
We pulled up to my house. "Are you okay?" She mumbled, I nodded my head in agreement and felt as she helped me off the bike and stood me up straight. We slowly made our way to my door and then into the house, Nancy walked over and tried helping but I gave her a look, a look where I basically said 'let me and Y/N be alone'. Nancy smirked as she walked off and I flared my nostrils.
"Let's get you up to bed." Y/N murmured. Once we reached my room she helped me with my shoes, she tucked me into bed and made sure I was comfortable as possible. Y/N sat at the Edge of my bed and faced me.
"Don't get hurt anymore. I need you safe.- Thank you for saving my life Y/N, When I became conscious after the explosion, a wave of emotion hit me when I saw you leaning over me..." I explained as I interrupted her. Her tears dropped as she closed her eyes. Her sniffles were brought on and I smacked my hand to grab hers,
"Before the building exploded you told me to be careful... I should've said back to you. When I started racing towards you I didn't want to lose you, I did whatever it took to get to you, and then the building exploded. My heart dropped when I saw you laying there, no movement at all. I didn't want to lose you. If it wasn't for your stupid sprained ankle then you wouldn't have been- When I said goodbye to you before leaving, I went to level 3 and into the recovery room you were placed..." I explained cutting her off.
Y/N exhaled and wiped her tears, she looked down and cried."I tried looking for the photo album I gave you before you had to close the gates. The album your originally gave me when we broke up.. That's why I went back, but I couldn't find it." I explained. Y/N cried some more and gripped tighter onto my hand.
"I have it. It's in my room. I can't believe you'd risk your life for some photo album- That album has the best memories. I'd risk anything to keep those memories." I replied cutting her off. Y/N gulped and licked her lips, she agreed and I wiped her tears with my thumb.
"We've been through a lot huh, you and me." I whispered, she blinked and stared at me.
"Yeah... Backwards and Forwards with each other." She whispered with a grin.
-chapter 33
-this chap was al about Mike and Y/N. I missed them together and loved the moments they had in the first book 'Backwards'.

Forwards sequel
FanfictionSequel to backwards. Mike and the whole party have lost Y/N.... Something strange Happens.