Song: I don't want to lose you- Luca Flogale
My eyes fluttered open, I remembered I was in Mikes room. I expected to be cuddling him but he wasn't in bed... Slowly I sat up and found him no where next to me, my lips smacked together and I looked around the room.
My breath slowly exhaled and I remembered last nights events, he was moving on from me. I closed my eyes shut and placed my hands in my face. This wave of sadness hit me but, it was finally time for Mike to move on and be happy.
"Mike?" I whispered as I stood up from his bed. No reply. I clenched my jaw and peaked my head onto the hall, it seemed like no one was home... Everything was so quiet. My feet took me towards the stairs of the wheeler house, I made my way down and into the kitchen.
My eyes examined as I saw a note onto the bench. I picked it up and read it.
"Morning Y/N,
My parents took Holly to grandma's, Nancy is with Jonathan and I had to go do something so I left. You can stay at mine as long as you want, I'll be home later on if you're still there.I made you breakfast before I left. - Mike"
I placed the note down and rolled my eyes.. Why was he out? He should be resting? God he's stubborn. I then looked over at the counter far ahead and saw a plate of pancakes with sides. A smile appeared on my face and thought about Mike, suddenly the home phone started ringing.
My thoughts were snapped out of me and I ran to answer the phone.
"Hello, Wheeler residence?" I spoke.
"Y/N? There you are! I thought I'd ring Mike and ask where you were but never mind. Anyway, we're going to the quarry today. The group planned it!" Eddie mentioned over the phone, I raised my brow and exhaled.
"Sure I'll come.- Okay! Well we're heading there now so see you soon!" Eddie spoke as he cut me off and hung up.
Finn POV
This idea of jumping of the quarry was insane.
I looked over the edge and just raised my brows,
"You dudes are insane, look how high we are- It's not insane, it's fun. Come on Finn you can do it." Richie spoke cutting me off. I blinked and just stared at the group.
"Look." El mumbled and then ran off, she jumped off the cliff and landed straight into the water.
Bill yelled and clapped for his girl, my nostrils flared and gulped. Suddenly they all started jumping and left me alone up there with Ben.
"See you down there!" Ben said as he faced me, he then jumped off. My eyes were still wide.
"Don't be a pussy." I heard Richie yell from down the lake, I chuckled slightly and paced back and forth. I then heard a noise and turned around to see Y/N. She arrived.
"You're here- Are they forcing you to jump off?" Y/N asked with a smile, I nodded my head and watched as she placed her bike down and walked over to me.
"You've got this- Where's Mike?" I asked interrupting her. She shrugged her shoulders. My lips smacked together.
"I need someone to talk too, Its important... I'll explain after. For now, let's do this." Y/N spoke as she looked down at the edge. My heart raced and I wasn't ready to die. These kids were crazy as hell.
I felt as Y/N intertwined our fingers. "I'm here for you." She whispered, I tightened my grip onto her hand.... 1..2..3..
We both jumped.
-Final Chapter (35)
- Y/N needs to talk to Finn
-Mike is nowhere to be found
-I wonder what Y/N's going to tell Finn...
-When do you want a trilogy? Well I posted the book called "back to the start." . Chapter one is out. It's called "Explain yourself"

Forwards sequel
FanfictionSequel to backwards. Mike and the whole party have lost Y/N.... Something strange Happens.