Lets talk

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"Are you going to wear your hair up or down for tonight? For the formal?" Beverly asked, I looked down at my hair and then looked back up at her.

"Up. I can't deal with it, it's annoying." I replied. It was now 4pm and the formal doors opened up at 7, we had three hours to get ready, perfect! Bev decided to get ready at my house while Max got ready and helped El.

"So, you excited to dance with Ben tonight?" I asked as I smiled at Bev, she agreed and showed me the post card he gave her... Ben always gave her post cards with the cutest poems.

"He gave me this earlier today, I can't help but blush every time." She mentioned, I held the post card in my hands and just winked at her.

"He's good for you... He really does make you happy." I responded with a soft grin, Bev looked down and blushed even more. She placed the post card back into her back pack.

"And same for Richie. You make him so happy, when you're not around he non-stops talking about you. You changed him a lot." Beverly explained, I started laughing and loved that Richie would talk about me, I finally found a boy that appreciates my love.

I then thought about me and Richie again. This was becoming serious... I had to tell Richie and the rest of the gang about my powers and the upside down, they need to know. We've all become one big group, so they need to know.

Richie POV

Me and Bill quickly biked to the store to get some hair gel before the formal. We were in our suits, I wore a dark navy blue suit to match Y/N's gown.

We wandered the local store and finally found hair gel, we decided to pay for the gel and encountered Will's mom Joyce.

"You boys look handsome. You excited for tonight? I bet you're ecstatic about taking Y/N!" Joyce asked with a smile, I nodded my head in agreement and before I could say something she looked over at Bill.

"So, Bill who are you takin- J-Jane well e-Eleven." He replied as he cut her off. My eyes went wide and I faced him.

"How lovely, see you boys later when I drop Will off!" She spoke before we started walking out of the store. I continued to give him a confused look.

"Eleven? Isn't she going with Mike?" I asked worried, Bill nodded a no. We stopped in our tracks and made it to our bikes at the stand.

"S-she t-told me that they were over. And I think s-she's cool." Bill explained, I was shocked. Hopefully Mike doesn't try and fight Bill tonight.

I understood him and just fiat bumped him.

"Now let's go home, get this hair fixed so we don't look like knuckleheads." I explained, I hoped onto my Bike and watched as Bill nodded a no and looked behind me. I raised my brows and turned around to see at what he was looking at.

Some poster on the brick wall behind me.

I re-positioned my glasses and focused my eyes on the poster.

"Missing. Cole Lewis. Last seen 8th February by quarry. If found please contact the sheriffs office."

I nodded my head and faced Bill.

"Wasn't he in our home room? And then he became home schooled?" I mentioned to Bill. Bill nodded his head in agreement.

"Richie. He went missing yesterday, it's the 9th today.... It can't be.. IT. We have a long time before IT even comes back." Bill spoke, I inhaled and exhaled. Fuck.

I needed Y/N safe. I didn't want her ending up on a missing poster.

"Let's go. We can talk about this later, we need to inform the whole group, and I mean, the WHOLE group." I responded.

-chapter 13

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