Diner night

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Finn made a good point about Mike trying to move forwards, but Mike broke my heart, he should be happy for me and Richie.

"So are you excited about tonight?" Finn mumbled and nudged my arm. I snapped out of my thoughts and gave the curly haired boy a nod. I've known him for 4 days now and it feels like I've known him forever, he had traits similar to Mike and Richie.

"I'm excited, I mean we're going to the new Diner in town. I want food." I replied, Finn grinned at me and looked around the room.

Richie was with Ben just grabbing a few drinks from the kitchen before heading back to play D&D in the other living room.

"Richie just glared at me. Does he like me?" Finn asked curiously, I nodded my head and exhaled.

"Well he shouldn't hate you. He's just protective and you're new to the group. Sorry if he intimidates you." I replied, Finn rubbed his nose lightly and chuckled.

"He doesn't." Finn mumbled and played with his plaid flannels buttons.

Richie POV

I made it back to the other room and handed out the drinks.

"He's flirting with her. I can just tell." I mentioned and faced the boys. Will faced me and gave me a look,

"Richie, I doubt he is. You know that Y/N is yours, don't let Finn get to you. I think he has a girlfriend." Will replied, I exhaled and sat down.

"He told you he has a girlfriend?" I asked, Will nodded a no.

"No, He just seems like the type to get a lot of girl- Will that doesn't help." I mentioned cutting him off. Stan and Dustin just chuckled.

Mike POV

I didn't have any broken ribs thank the lord. Just a bruised back. Nancy had to explain to mom about the Lab setting on fire accidentally and how I was with my group near the building and then boom.

I finally got home and was glad I was out of the hospital. I laid in bed and just stared at my ceiling. Suddenly my walkie talkie went off and it was Richie.

"Hey, did you want to go out for dinner tonight? At the diner?" He asked, I raised my brows and was confused... was he asking me out?

"Uhhh. Just the two of us?- No, the whole group Mike. If you do want to come then my mom can take us there, it's the new diner in town." He replied, I agreed to coming and Richie replied with.

"Good. I'm already on my way."

I stood up slowly and decided to wash my face before leaving. I didn't need to change my clothes did I? Nah.

Slowly I made my way downstairs and told mom I was going to have dinner with the group, she agreed but dad didn't. I rolled my eyes and didn't care what dad had to say....

Richie's car pulled up and I headed out. I hoped in the back and saw Richie, in front of the car in the passenger seat was Eddie. He was talking to Richie's mom about something.

"You look better dude." Richie spoke, I thanked him and was about to say something when Richie interrupted me.

"What are your thoughts about Finn? I'm just asking because you're Y/N's best friend and I know you're protective. I don't like him that much." Richie mumbled, I could tell Richie didn't like him.

"I'm the boyfriend and you're the bestfriend, I say we work together and figure out who this kid is." Richie mentioned, I sat there and gave him wide eyes. This kid was jealous to the max.

"I think, that they are just friends Richie. Relax, Y/N loves you..." I mentioned trying to calm him down.

I was jealous as well... Finn could easily make her laugh.. fuck.

-Chapter 31

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