Stay here.

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Song: Vancouver Clinic- Stakes

Mike POV

The growling disappeared and I came out from under the vanity. I was happy that Y/N communicated to me, but I didn't want her saving me... She's going to risk her life just to save me. I never wanted her back in the upside down, but now, she's going back just to save my ass. My stupid ass that got dragged away.

I placed myself on her bed again and examined her room, I smiled at all the pictures she had up of me and her, and the pictures of the gang.

* leaves and branches had snapped* foot steps were present

My heart jumped and I walked over to the window and peaked out a little... I couldn't see anything. My eyes then landed on a figure, I was hoping it wasn't a demogorgan.

"Cole?" I mouthed out. I then waved my arms in the air trying to get his attention. He was wandering around the neighbourhood. Cole then looked up and into the window, I pointed for him to come here.

Let's just hope nothings watching him. I don't want unwanted visitors.


We made it to Hawkins Lab. The losers club have not been here, so they were all amazed at how everything was, in comparison to what Dustin had told them about Hawkins Lab.

I made my way to Level three, this is where the main portal was. The other one was downstairs but that was closed by Eleven already.

I started gearing up with Eleven and made sure we had flashlights ready. The group were behind the window and just watching, my mom was there with Joyce and Nancy. Richie then walked over and started gearing up, so did Bill. I nodded a no and faced the boys.

"No, no way. You both need to stay here and be safe." I mentioned, Eleven agreed as she faced Bill and gave him a look.

I then began to undress Richie, trying to take the gear off of him.

"Babe I'm coming- No, I can't lose you too. Stay here." I said cutting him off. Bill faced me and rolled his eyes,

"We fought off P-Penny wise, W-We can help- I don't care if you've dealt with a shape-shifting clown... this isn't the same Bill. Steve and Jonathan agreed to help. We'll be okay." I replied as I faced the two boys.

Richie started crying and intertwined our fingers. He started shaking.

"Promise me you'll try your best to stay safe?" He whispered. I felt my heart break just hearing his voice, also hearing the fact he said "promise".

I nodded my head in agreement and felt as he kissed me. Eleven and Bill had their moment. Steve and Jonathan walked over and had their gear on.

"Time to open up." Jonathan spoke. I said bye to Richie and felt as he held my hand and didn't let go, until Bill had to pull him.

"I love you." Richie mouthed, I mouthed it back and turned to face the Portal.

Steve and Jonathan stood there with their flashlights and walkie talkies, while me and El focused on opening the portal... It was difficult.

I could hear El's screams conjoin with mine. My nose started dripping with blood, my ears leaked and the inner corner of my eyes leaked... This never happens. The gate was stronger then before.

Finally it opened and I was about to faint until Steve caught me, I snapped out of my dizzy ness and focused. Four of us slowly entered the upside down.

"That was hard to open, which means it's going to be hard to close." I mentioned as I looked at Steve and Jonathan. We took our time escaping the Hawkins Lab in the upside down, we didn't know If there were any demogorgans around or if there's any more demo-dogs...We exited the Hawkins Lab building, seeing the ash floating around gave me memories of when I was here all by myself. All alone.

Now for the dangerous part, which is walking around and hiding. Making sure we get to my house safely. Time to get Mike.

I need him. I need him. That's all I kept repeating over and over again as we made our way to my house.

-Chapter 22
-Y/N to the rescue. She needs her mans

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