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I got home and took off all of my makeup and my gown, quickly I placed on a pair of sweats and my school sports sweater, it was comfortable.

"Mom. I'm going to Bill's house. Might be sleeping over incase it gets too too late." I yelled as I headed for the door. She yelled an "Okay, call me in the morning."

I headed out my door and grabbed my Bike from the drive way. Now for some explaining to do.

I biked as fast as I could to Bill's house and placed my bike down on his yard with the other bikes. I knocked on the door and it swung open, it was Bill and El who were at the door.

"Come in." Bill mumbled, I made my way through the door and felt as someone wrapped their arms around me.

"There's my baby" Richie spoke as he hugged me, I blushed and smiled at my baby boy. He didn't have his glasses on which was a change,

"Can you see ok?" I asked as he unwrapped from me, Richie just nodded a yes.

"Yeah. I just needed to take them off for a bit, the bridge of my nose began to hurt." Richie replied, I giggled and felt as he intertwined our fingers. We walked over to the living room and I saw the whole group... Oh, I was the last one to arrive.

"So, I p-planned this little meeting. We have to tell you guys s-something that is important and you need t-to know since, since we're a whole group now." Bill explained, I nodded and then looked at Mike.

"Well.... We also have to tell you something important." I replied as I faced the group, Will, Lucas, Dustin, Max, El and Mike knew what I was talking about.

"You guys go first, c'mon tell us!" Ben interrupted, Bill agreed and everyone just looked at me. I gulped and stared at Dustin. Dustin opened his mouth and started explaining everything... and I mean, everything. He explained pretty well actually.

"So you're telling us that Y/N and El have abilities? And that time that Will went missing he was in the 'Upside down?' " Eddie asked, I smirked and folded my arms.

"Yeah they do have abilities. I know it's hard to believe... because we all know that this type of shit never happens. But magic is real. The girls can make things float in the air!!!" Dustin spoke, I covered my mouth and wanted to laugh because of the way Dustin explained that, also because of Richie's facial expression.

"Float?" Stan and Bev mumbled under their breath, I nodded.

"Watch this" I spoke, all eyes were on me. I focused on turning on the TV with my mind, I started playing with the switches and the TV started changing channels.

"Holy fuck." Richie mumbled. I stopped focusing on the TV.

"It was important that we tell you because you guys are apart of the group. And, there's a kid missing. We think it might be the demogorgan, and Hawkins Lab isn't here to help. Y/N doesn't know if she closed all gates. Cole might be missing because of the demogorgan, just like how Will went missing. Remember?" Mike Wheeler explained, I blinked and felt as Richie's hand tightened, he stepped forward.

"We don't think it's the demogorgan, it could be? but there's another possibility. Do you guys remember last year before Will went missing? We had a bunch of kids go missing, like Betty and Patrick?" Richie mentioned, we all nodded our head and he continued talking.

As Richie explained on what happened to him and his group, I stood there out of shock, I hated clowns. Bill then explained 'IT' and how IT took hi younger brother Georgie.

"Cole could've gone missing because of IT..." Beverly mumbled. I rolled my eyes and placed my hands on my hips.

"We have a messed up town.- I can't believe my girlfriend has fucking powers." Richie spoke interrupting me, I laughed and just felt as Richie wrapped his arms around me from behind.

Mike POV

At least we explained the important things. I hated clowns.

"What do we do then? We have to find Cole." I asked, Bill faced me, he also had El right beside him.

"We look in the s-sewers tomorrow... And if we can't find him, then we go to the house where it has the hidden Well. That where IT lived. If w-we don't find him, t-then we look in the woods for a portal for the upside down." Bill explained, I agreed and stood up. Tonight I felt like going home.

"I have to go home." I mumbled, Y/N faced me.

"You're not staying over? It'd be better- No, I think I'll just bike home." I replied Interrupting her.

Y/N nodded a no.

"It's too late to bike home by yourself, I don't want you ending up on a missing poster. No one leaves, we all stay here." Y/N demanded, I licked my lips and sat back down.

I wanted to go home. I couldn't deal with seeing Richie with Y/N. But I'll stay because it'll make her feel better.

-chapter 15
-how's the crossover so far? Tell me!! 🤡😂❤️

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