Hold me close

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Song: Certain things?- James Arthur

Mike POV

I sucked up the pain and stood up straight. I held her close to me as we made it to the main portal. As soon as we crossed the main portal El and Y/N would need to close it from the outside while the rest need to get the explosive ready.

Richie explained over the walkie that him and the gang created a few bombs from the Hydrazine and gunpowder.

""To set the bombs and ignite them, we're going to have to set the bombs on top of each other sitting on the windowsill. We all then escape the building while El and Y/N close the gate temporarily. Once we're all out and safe, we have a shooter. The shooter targets the bombs on the windowsill and then boom." Richie explained.

"You ready?" I asked as I stared at her, she nodded her head lightly and gave me a smile.

"You can do this. You're strong enough to close it." I spoke, saying those words gave me memories to when she needed to close the gates for Dr. Brenner.
Eleven went through the portal, followed by Cole and then Jonathan. Me and Y/N stepped forward into the portal with Steve behind us.

This gooey substance attached to us as we made it out. Y/N untangled from my grip and made her way towards Richie.

Nancy ran over and hugged me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around my sister as I held her close to me.

"You had me so worried. Jesus, Mike." Nancy spoke, I winced in pain and Nancy glanced at my ankle. She knew it was sprained.


"You are not doing that ever again." Richie mentioned as he held me close to him, I nodded in agreement and dug my head into his chest. I missed my baby. The entire group just started hugging each other, tears of joy came.

"Y/N, El. Come on, we have to start closing it." Steve spoke, I pulled away from Richie and glanced over at El... She was hugging Bill. Richie then leaned in and kissed me, I smiled during the kiss.

"I love you." He whispered as he leaned his forehead against mine. My heart skipped 10 thousand beats and I blushed.

"I love you more." I replied before walking off. I turned around and watched as the Richie placed the bombs on the huge windowsill.

"Everyone out of the building now. Come one we need to rush. El and Y/N, once I see you escape the building I'm loading up those guns and shooting. " Hopper spoke... It was only me and Eleven. We had to run after closing the gate. Mike stood up and faced me.

"Be careful, I'll see you after this." Mike mumbled, I agreed and hugged him again.

Once the area was clear. I looked over at El and gave her a head nod. It was time to temporarily close it, and then run.

Slowly I took a deep breath in and then exhaled. I focused on the portal and started closing it with my mind. I could feel myself become weak and weaker. The more energy I used the more blood would come out... Blood poured down my nose and my screaming was loud and clear. My body was becoming weak and it felt like I couldn't stand anymore. Veins started appearing on my neck and on my face, it was clear to see them.

"We've almost closed it." El yelled, I groaned out of pain and watched as me and Eleven finally closed it... for now.

"RUN, come on let's go. Once hopper see's us running out, he's gonna shoot." I shouted. I started running and running, my heart beat was out of beat and I felt dizzy. But, I continued to run. I felt as El gripped onto my hand and pulled me faster.

"Come on!" I shouted, I pushed myself harder and we made it out of the building. Everything became slow motion in my mind as I examined the whole group from a distance... I saw no sign of Mike with them. He had a sore ankle... wasn't any one helping him?

My eyes glanced at Hopper who was aiming for the bombs at the windowsill, he was in a different area with Nancy, Jonathan, Joyce and Steve so they could shoot the bombs. I turned around.

"Richie, WHERES MIKE?" I yelled, Richie shrugged his shoulders and looked around. The rest of the group walked over.

"Mike? Where's Mike?" I asked, no one said anything. My heart skipped more beats. Suddenly Mike started limping and running as he escaped the Hawkins Lab building.

"MIKE RUN!" I yelled out, Mike continued to run but was slow due to his ankle. I needed to help him. Why wasn't anyone running to save him? I need to save Mike... My first instinct was to start running so I did, but I then felt as Richie held me back.

"Y/N don't, you'll get hurt-" Richie spoke, I nodded a no and yelled. I started running towards Mike.

"Go back Y/N!" Mike yelled.  Suddenly Boom. I felt as a gush of hot air had pushed me back. Fire rose up and the building exploded.  I landed on my back and heard ringing noises in my ear.

I couldn't breathe properly. Was Mike okay? I wanted to get up and help him.

-chapter 27
-thoughts on what's happened so far? I haven't chosen on who Y/N ends up with yet... OOF

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