Made a move

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Song: Me and my baby- Darren Espanto


"So...were you scared and cuddled up against him in the theatre?" Max asked me with a smile. I giggled and blushed. I was telling Max and Eleven all about the date last night with Richie while the boys were in the living room just talking about Troy. We were at the Byers house.

"I was scared and I didn't want to be weird and cuddle up to him... Until he realised I was scared and he placed his arm around me. He then glanced at me with that cute smile and I felt butterflies. I comfortably leaned onto him and we watched the rest of the movie in that position." I spoke just blushing, Max just winked at me.

"Did he bike you home?" Eleven asked, I just nodded my head while thinking about him. He was the cutest gentlemen ever.

"On the ride home we talked about our similarities, we both like Red Vines!" I explained, Mike then walked over and began clapping sarcastically.

"Wow, just marry him already. Sounds like he's your perfect match." Mike spat with attitude, I raised my brow and stared at him. He placed on a fake smile.

"Don't get your panties in a twist Wheeler, stop hating on Richie. He's a really great guy. And, later on I invited him and his gang to join us for D&D later at my house." I replied smiling, the rest of the gang agreed on having them over while Mike just gave me a fake smile then turned to face Eleven.

I could tell Mike did not like me at the moment.

My eyes looked down at my watch, "11:34".

"Shoot. I have to meet Richie and the others at the quarry soon. I'm going to go now, but I'll see all of you guys later!" I spoke as I stood up and grabbed my jacket. I could feel Mike's eyes glaring at me as I walked off. Later on, hopefully he doesn't do anything stupid towards Richie.

Richie POV

I placed my bike down and we all walked over to the edge of the cliff.

"Here we go again. I can't believe we're going to jump off this again." Eddie mentioned as we all looked over the edge. I shrugged my shoulders and Bill faced me,

"W-when is Y/N com- I'm here!!" A voice spoke interrupting Bill. We all turned around and I smiled as I examined Y/N, she placed her bike down next to mine and made her way over.

"Holy shit. Are we going to jump?" She asked, I faced her and nodded my head.

"Nah-uh. No way sorry. I'm afraid of heights Richie!" She complained. I chuckled and felt as she grabbed my hand.

"You have to do it! We're all going to do it." Ben responded while facing her, Y/N just exhaled and then Beverly comforted her.

"You can do this. We're all going to jump at the same time." Beverly mentioned, Y/N then faced me. I gave her a eye brow raise.

"I'll do it." She mumbled. We all started undressing and preparing ourselves for the jump.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." Y/N whispered, I didn't want to be awkward but damn she had a good body. I know for sure that the other boys were also staring.

"I'm so nervous. I kind of feel dizzy.." Y/N mentioned, I gripped onto her hand tighter and she looked nervous.

All of a sudden her nose started leaking blood.

"Y/N, your nose is bleeding" I mumbled, her eyes went huge and she wiped her nose.

She looked down at her bloody hands. I then helped her sit down due to her dizzy-ness.

"Maybe you shouldn't jump Y/N. Look, you guys can jump. I'll stay up here with Y/N." I replied facing the gang. Stan ran over and kneeled down to ask if Y/N needed anything, he then ran to his back pack and pulled out tissues and a bottle of water.

Y/N started drinking her water but then she fainted. I held her as she blacked out.Oh shit balls.

Mike POV

"He's not even funny- Mike, we've heard you say that like a million times. Shhh." Dustin replied interrupting me.

My eyes rolled.

"It's because it's true. The kid isn't funny and he thinks he's smart, but he's just a smarty pants with no knowledge at all. Zero. None." I explained. Lucas raised his brow at me.

"Don't start a fight with him." Lucas mentioned, I nodded a no and gulped.

"I am not keeping any promises. I hate the kid so much that I would try and fight him any time." I replied and scoffed.

I leaned back into my chair just thinking about Richie and Y/N.... I wonder what they were upto.

-chapter 10
-y/N has fainted Oof.

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