I'm sorry

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I allowed Mike to sleep. Man I was tired aswell, I couldn't wait to go home and sleep a full 12 hours or so.

"Where's Richie?" I asked as I stood in front of the group, Beverly pointed towards the area where they had vending machines. I thanked her and headed towards the vending machines.

I wrapped my arms around Richie and he didn't do anything,

"Hey baby. I'm hungry too, should I get like a chocolate bar? Or what?" I asked, he didn't reply and just stood there, still, no movement... Was he angry at me? What was going on.

Slowly I faced him and made him turn his whole body.

"Hey, Hey baby what's wrong? Why are you so quiet?" I asked worried, Richie just flared his nostrils. I felt bad, what did I do?

"Tell me what I did? Please? Why are you giving me the silent treatment? Richie?" I mentioned, he finally opened his mouth.

"I over-heard you... You told Mike you loved him back." Richie spat. My eye brows frowned and stood back, my arms were now folded.

"Richie, he's my bestfriend. I do love him- No, I don't think you love him in a best friend way." Richie spat as he interrupted me. I swallowed a dry lump in my throat and stepped closer towards Richie but he was angry and jerked a step back.

"You still have feelings for him, I know you don't love me." Richie explained. I felt hurt and disappointed, how could he not think I don't love him? I do.

"Richie, I love you- Cut the bullshit Y/N, just admit you still have feelings for Mike." Richie yelled and clenched his fists, I stepped back, scared.

I gulped and blinked,  "He was my ex boyfriend Richie, Mike CHEATED ON me... How can I move on entirely? He broke my heart when I was still inlove with him...Of course I will have that TINY tiny part of me that will like Mike but, listen to me, I LOVE you, not just like but LOVE. Please Richie, just know that I love you and I want to be with you." I explained on the verge of tears. Richie didn't say a word and only looked down at me once.

"What's the point of you and me if you still have that Tiny part of you that likes Mike?" Richie asked, I brushed my fingers through my hair.

"That 'tiny' part of me use to be 'huge'. Ever since you and I happened, you've decreased that amount bit by bit. Richie, I don't want Mike, I want you." I explained hoping it'd get through to him. He re-positioned his glasses and didn't say a word again.

"I need to go home and rest. We can talk about this later." Richie mumbled, I watched as he walked off. I started crying and knew I couldn't do anything, I knew he'd probably want some space. He deserved some rest.

Fuck. I wiped my tears and just started walking back to the group, I looked down as I walked because I didn't want anyone seeing me crying my eyes out. A wave of dizzy-ness hit me and I stumbled back and forth, I looked up and bumped into someone. Oops.

"Are you okay?" The voice echoed. I nodded a no and leaned on them, I felt as they caught me. Oh I blacked out.

I opened my eyes and realised I was still standing.
"Woah. You blacked out for a few seconds. Let me help you sit down."

My eyes stopped buzzing out and I was placed on a chair, my hands stopped shaking and my dizzy-ness finally stopped.

"Thanks f-for catching me. Also I'm sorry about bumping into you like that." I mumbled and faced the guy, he smiled.

"You're welcome and it's okay. I'm Finn. What's your name? "

-Chapter 29
-I KNOW U're shook but-
-Yes yes don't hate me for adding him in 😭❤️🐸

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