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"I'm Y/N." I mumbled, Finn smiled and shook my hand.

"It was good bumping into you. So... what are you here for? Here have some of my water, you look like you need it " Finn asked as he grinned at me while passing me his bottle , I pointed towards Mike's room and then took a sip of his water.

"My bestfriend Mike. What about you? What are you here for?" I replied then took another sip, I stared at Finn.

"Dehydration." He replied, I choked on the water and stopped drinking.

"No, this is for you. Keep drinking, you shouldn't have let me drink from your water Finn." I replied and passed it back. Finn just chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't need it anymore.- Y/N we're going home, your mom's back she's ready to take us home." Max spoke as she walked over and stared at me and Finn.

"This is Finn, and that's Max." I mumbled as I stood up. Max waved at him and Finn stood up to face me.

"It was good meeting you- Thanks again for catching me and giving me your water." I replied interrupting him. I then walked off and Max pulled me closer to her as we walked.

"He so was into you. The way he was staring at you.." Max mumbled, I rolled my eyes and nudged her arm slightly.

Richie POV

"Aren't you being a little harsh? Y/N loves you man." Bill spoke as we biked to the arcade. I agreed with him and felt bad.

"When was the last time you talked to her..?" Bill asked me, I gulped and scoffed.

"4 days ago, last time I saw her was when I walked off on her at the hospital." I replied, Bill shook his head and scoffed at me.

"You need to apologise to her- I will okay." I replied, we were on our way to Dustin's house where the squad was.

"So why are we meeting at Dustin's?" I asked Bill. Bill licked his lips and faced me.

"We are hanging out, Y/N invited us to something tonight later on." Bill responded, I exhaled and parked my bike as we entered Dustin's driveway. We entered the house and I saw no sign of Y/N, I wanted to talk to her and apologise.

I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Eddie. "Where's Y/N?" I mumbled, Stan faced me and shrugged.

"She's running late I guess , I'm sure she went to see Mike in the hospital. Is Finn coming back with her? " Max replied. I raised my brow... Who was Finn? I stood up confused and asked who Finn was but no one answered me.

Then the a few door knocks banged and Dustin ran to get it.

"Y/N and Finn are here." Dustin spoke, I looked at Finn and searched him up and down. Curly hair, fair skinned and tall.

"How do you guys know him? How does Y/N know him? Have you met him?" I whispered towards Eddie.

Eddie gulped and smirked. "We met him at the hospital, he's a cool guy, great music taste, Y/N introduced us to him!" Eddie replied. I flared my nostrils and then made eye contact with Y/N.

She walked over to me and gave me raised brows, I took her into Dustin's kitchen where we could be alone.

"I'm sorry about what happened at the hospital- It's okay Richie. I forgive you, I missed you and understood that you needed space." She replied as she cut me off. My grin went from ear to ear and wrapped my arms around her. She dug her head into my chest and I kissed the top of her head.

She pulled back from the hug and winked at me.

"You have to meet Finn! Finns my friend, ok? He's here in Hawkins for a bit because his parents are on a trip, so he's staying here with his Aunty." Y/N mentioned, I licked my lips and noticed she held my hand and dragged me towards Finn.

Finn POV

It was good hanging with this group today, I've now met everyone in the group. Even Mike, who I met earlier in the hospital.

The group started playing D&D while I sat next to
Y/N on the couch, Beverly and Max sat in front of us just talking about dresses and looking through Magazines.

I faced Y/N and grinned.

"Richie's a good guy, and so is Mike. You have a good boyfriend and bestfriend." I mentioned, she chuckled lightly. Yesterday she told me everything about her and her group, and her relationship.

I knew that Mike still liked her and that Richie wasn't ok with it.

"Mike still has feelings but, I just want to move forwards and move on." Y/N whispered, I licked my lips and brushed my fingers through my hair.

"Sometimes to move forwards you have to take a few steps backwards, Fix the mistakes and regrets you made. Mike is trying to move forwards, in his own way. " I replied.

-chapter 30
-FINN is wise
-thoughts ? 😭😭😭😭😭🐸🐸🐸

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