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June 22, 2015

Last night we got home late, we went out with a few people for drinks but it was now 6 AM. We were on our train to another stop so we could get on our plane. A police had driven us to the station since fans began spotting Cameron. He looked over his videos and laughed, "Look how crazy they are, ah man, I love them." He said. I laughed nodded, "A girl grabbed my ass Cameron, it was weird."

He eyed me shocked, "No way!" He laughed more and grabbed my hand, "You got some action."

I chuckled, "You're gross." He laughed again, a couple girls walked up and they smiled widely, "I'm Emma, this is Chloe, and we're big fans.. could we chill in your area." Cameron nodded, "Hey, yeah for sure, you guys play chess?"

They nodded happily and sat at the tables in front of us. The Chloe girl eyed me, "Girlfriend?"

Before I could say no, Cameron nodded and answered, "Yeah, gorgeous huh?"

I blushed a bit and the girl extended her hand sweetly. "So nice to meet you." I smiled, "You guys too, beautiful shirt by the way." She thanked me then began her game with Cameron


When we got off, we immediately headed to the plane and boarded. Cameron sat at my side and smiled, "They were really sweet." I nodded, "Yeah, they were. I'm glad they agreed to keep me a secret. I'm obviously not your girlfriend but still.¨

"Do you want to be?" He asked

I eyed him, "Cameron... I'm not trying to be with anyone right now."

"No, No, okay yeah, that's cool." he stuttered. He didn't speak to me the rest of the ride. I honestly felt so stupid for what I just said. I knew I loved him and I know everything that comes with him. Why couldn't I shove things aside and face up? I was too scared I guess.

Being with a man this great shouldn't be this scary.

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