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"You look goofy as shit with that smile, man." Carter laughed. I chuckled, "I just got a text from Jasmine." Carter raised his eyebrows, "As in Nash's best friend?" I just nod. "Bro." Carter laughs.

I look to him, "What?"

"You like her, huh?" He asks.

I shrug and smile at my phone.

"Damn dude, you got it bad. How does Matt feel about you liking his ex?" He laughs. I shrug, "I wouldn't know.. He doesn't know." Carter 's smile fades, "You're kidding? Why haven't you told him?" I furrow my eyebrows now annoyed, "He's not her dad. She can choose who she likes and dates, bro."

"But we know she called him daddy at one point, am I right?" He laughs. "No." I retorted.

He laughs more, "I'm kidding Cam, Jesus."

I scoff and turn on my heel to the living room.

Nash is on the couch. I take the seat next to Nash and pull out my phone. "You like Jasmine, don't you?" he says, he's facing me now and his expression is serious. Shit. I clear my throat and look around, everywhere except his face.

"Dude." Nash warns, he stands so I do too.

I look to him, "I do. I have."

He raises his eyebrows and shifts to face me, "How long?" I pretend to count even when I know precisely how long. He nudges me and chuckles, "Tell me." I shrug, "Since you first told me...about a year ago."

He then slaps my arm and I wince. "You know she was a fan of yours before Magcon you idiot. You know, when you had that stupid long hair and the dumb video of you trying to hold people's hands." His voice scolding me while his hands waved around. "I didn't know that.." I say innocently, because I didn't. "I didn't know that" He mocked me with a weird face.

"Well of course you didn't, you never asked. You stood in a corner, metaphorically, and creeped over me and her conversations!" He laughed.

"Uh okay, so are you laughing because it's funny or because you're like laughing at how stupid I am? Either's fine as long as I don't get punched." I chuckled.

He stopped and stared at me with a straight face.

"Okay, I get it..." I said. He definitely wanted to punch me.

"I'm not gonna punch you, fat head. Jasmine would be pissed at me." he admitted.

"What I don't get is how you fell in love with her without ever meeting her or seeing a photo of her. How man?" He asked. I've thought about that question for the longest. It was simple.

"I didn't have to. I fell in love with her laugh, your guys conversations that I've overheard are all I needed. From the jokes she'd make to the small cries I'd hear while you spoke to her when you thought everyone was asleep. But I wasn't Nash. I was awake and it sucked I had depression and wasn't social or I would've asked for her number. I had so much drama in my life I wouldn't wanna put any more pressure on her."

"Cameron," Nash tries to talk.

"No dude, I need to tell you because I may not ever tell her."

"No, Cameron." he says, his voice sounded a bit off.

"What man, I'm trying to make a speech because I'll never be able to tell her."

"Turn the fuck around Cameron!" He yells. At that moment, I knew I fucked up.

I turned to see Jasmine, with tears. I attempted a step forward but she stepped back.

What did I do wrong?

"No. Don't." She warned. I tilted my head and furrowed my brows, "Jasmine I-"

"Don't Cameron." She warns again. She brushes past me and I stand there with my head down. I have no idea what I did. But I need to find out.

I charge to her bedroom door and knock, "Jas, will you hear me out, I don't know why you're upset but its making my stomach hurt, please." I beg.

"Go. Away." she says.

I push my forehead against the door then push off walking back to the living room sitting next to Carter and Nash.

Carter looks to me, "Are you sure you love her?"

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Carter looks to me, "Are you sure you love her?"

I laugh, "What? I'm sure I do man."

"Bro he loves her more than he loves me!" Nash butts in and laughs. I chuckle and look down, my smile fading. "Guys, Imma go sleep somewhere else tonight."

Nash shakes his head, "Dude, just stay here, we'll be back in our apartment in a couple days. You can wait." I fall back onto the couch and lean back.

She's the reason I started being social. She's the reason I want to continue. Why was she so upset.

"Give her time dude." Nash says patting my back. I nod in agreement.

"Watch her just come in and slap the shit out of you bro!" Carter laughs. "Yeah, you're not helping bro." Nash chuckles.

"Either way, we know she'll come to her senses." Carter says.

"What makes you say she exaggerated?" Nash shoots back, he's upset. Carter eyes him, "Because girls do that." he simply replies. Nash scoffs, "She's not just any girl man. She's my Bestfriend."

"Wait are you upset?" Carter asks, confused.

"I am."

Carter then stands, "Dude she'll get over it," he tells me, "And Nash, dude chill, you seem to like her too."

I catch onto that and eye Nash, who is fumming at Carter. Was he jealous?

"Aye, Nash, you okay?" I ask as soon as Carter leaves. He nods, "Yeah, sorry, I'm just protective of her." he explains. "Yeah, I get it, like a brother.." I nod. He shifts uncomfortably, "Uh yeah."

I nod again.

There was obviously something more there but I decide to not push.

"How long did Matt and Jasmine's relationship last?" I ask out of curiosity. Nash shrugs, "Uh about a year and a half, why?"

I bite my bottom lip, "No, I just wanted to know.. Do you think she still has feelings for him?"

He looks down, then up, "I'm not sure... They were awfully close."


"I'm gonna go for a walk." I say, taking my coat, "I just wanna give her some time. I'll most likely stay at Taylor's."

Nash nods and I close the door behind me.

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