Chapter 3

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Maxon POV

Where is she? I have looked almost everywhere and she is not there. Maybe she is in one of the safe rooms. Then I realize that there is all this chaos around me and nobody is actually attacking me. Strange. I go to check one more room and in the middle of the room is America tied and gagged. She was being held by one of the rebels.

"America!" She looked so hopeless. "If you hurt her I will rip you to shreds!" "Oh, we are not planning on hurting her, if you negotiate with us." I was so mad! I wanted to punch him, but I new that if I did they would hurt America. "What do you want?" "Oh nothing much, just give us the monarchy and you can have your dear America back. When he said that he held America's face and squeezed it.

Like I would ever give them the crown, but I also knew that they would not give me America. "Now why don't we introduce ourselves. I am the southern rebel leader, and..." Before he could finish he looked at me and must have realized that would not give in. "Actually I feel like you need to see what it would be like with out America so you can decide. You get three days then I will be back." He started to take America away and that made me more mad. 

"No stop." "You have three days." And with that he was gone. "NO!"


Sorry this chapter was so short. I will work on it I hope you like it so far. Lets try to get more then 20 likes and views.

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