Chapter 19

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I was listening to this song and I was like WOW this is like Maxon and America! How he treats her. So I just had to share it with you. It is from the movie enchanted, but this is another one with Demi Lovato. Tell me what you think!  Also enjoy this chapter and I need some help! I need help with how to capture the rebels. If anyone has ideas please share them! thanks everyone! You should all look up the enchanted version though it is really good! Called that's how you know! 

America's POV

I hear a knock on the door and Maxon comes in looking depressed. "Maxon, What's wrong?" We walk over to the bed and face each other. "America, at my meeting one of my advisers came up with an idea to catch the rebels." Why did he look so sad that's good news! "That's Great! What was the idea?" "Um, You." "Me? What could I do?"

He took my hands into his. "They want you to be bate. But I refused. I told them that I cant loose you again. And, its true America, I will not loose you again!" He is so sweet "Oh Maxon. You will not loose me again. I promise." "And, you won't pull that stunt again like earlier?" He gave me a playful stern look. "Maxon, I already promised you that I wouldn't." "Well I owe you the rest of the day, so lets go use it!" 

We headed out of the room and into the hall when the rebel alarm sounded. "America! Come on hurry.!" Maxon Grabbed my arm and pulled me down the hall to the nearest safe room. While Maxon opened the door I felt someone grab my wrist and yank me away. I look behind me and it is one of the rebels. "Kota's been looking for you."

"Maxon!" I say fighting his strong grip. Maxon swooped around and stared into the rebels eyes with anger. "NO! NOT AGAIN!" Maxon runs up to the rebel and punches him in the nose and grabs my arm. "America! Hurry in!" "Wait!" I turn around towards the rebel and knee him in the groin. The rebel groans and Maxon laughs and we get into the safe room.

Once we were inside we pull out the blankets and I lay down and place my head on Maxon's chest. "Thank you." He pulls me closer. "What for darling?" "Well, just being there for me. I would probably be in Kota's clutches right now if you were not there." "America, I have told you I am never letting you go again. As long as those rebel are out there I am never letting you go. Also good job for kneeing that rebel in the groin. You really showed him his place."

II laughed. "Just like I showed you your place on our first date?" He laughed. "Exactly like that." After that we just sat there and at one point I fell asleep to Maxon's heart beat. 


1 hour later

I woke up to a bright light. "I found them! I found the King and Queen!" And a guard screaming in our faces that he found us. My bad. "America? Darling?" "Yes My Royal Husbandness? "Ready to finish our day? Or at least start it?" I laughed."Yes I am."  Maxon got up and helped me up.  

We walked out and turned a corner and I froze. There on the wall was writing that said, 


It looked like it was written in blood. someones blood! Maxon pulled me closer and I cried into his shoulder. "America, remember what I said in the safe room?" "Yes, you said I was really good at kneeing people in the groin." I said wiping my tears away. He chuckled. "Well yes, But I also said I wont let anything happen to you. Trust me." "I do trust you. But I also know that if I do not hand myself over the will kill innocent people!" Maxon picked me up bridal style and he started walking. "I know. I know." "Where are we going? I was so confused. "Just to the kitchen to get you some strawberry tarts." He smiled at me "You know me to well."

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