Chapter 21

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America's POV

After the long meeting I told Maxon that I was going to the Women's room. Maxon kissed me then he left to go do some work.

I started heading to the Women's room when I felt a tug on my arm. I turned around ready to wack someone then I just saw it saw Mr. Denton.

"Oh, Mr Denton, I am so sorry I thought you were a rebel." " Oh, no I should be the one apologizing." "Apologizing for what?" "This!" He pushed me towards the wall and put his hand over my mouth. Securing me towards him so I could not run.

He then pushed me into a safe room and ran in and shut the door. He better have a key. I ran to the door and tried getting out but it was locked. Then I tried banging to get someone's attention but nobody came.

"A...are you a rebel?" " no sweetheart, I am just someone that needs a raise and for the king to take me clearly! " "None of that will happen with us in this safe room!" " Oh, I know but me doing this will." He then pulled out a rope and started slowly walking closer. He trapped my arms and tied them behind my back. Then he pulled out a piece of fabric and tied it around my mouth.

He opened the door and picked my up and swung me over his shoulder. "Are you ready for some fun!"

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