Chapter 23

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 Maxon POV

There was gun shooting, and sword fighting, and so much more going around. I was fighting a rebel, when America called my name. "Maxon! Help!" I turned my head and America was being dragged away by Kota. I shot the rebel that was on top of me, and ran to America, Denton, and Kota. 

"America!" I ran right up to Kota and punched him  right in the nose. He fell to the ground and I hurried and untied America. "Maxon." She pulled me into a kiss, until America screamed. "MAXON!" Kota was holding a gun, and pointing it directly at me.

Then just as Kota shoots I see a blur of red hair leap in front of me. "America, no. KOTA! i'M GONNA KILL YOU." Then Aspen comes up behind Kota, and holds a gun to his head. I pick up America, and walk over to Kota and Aspen. "You. will. call off. all. of your. rebels. right. now. I am right up to Kota's face. I slap him, and he calls out. "SOUTHERNS! Stand down. We surrendered! 

"Aspen, will you take all of the rebels to the cells, I will deal with them later. I need to take America to the infermary. Luckily she was shot in the arm, again. " "Yes sir. When America wakes up, tell her Aspen says hi." "I will, also, Aspen call me Maxon." "Yes sir, I mean, thanks Maxon." 

( 10 minutes later.)

I took America to the infirmary, and now I am Pacing back and forth out in the waiting room. I can just here my fathers words in my head. "Maxon, stop pacing, Maxon, stand taller, Maxon, walk with more confidence." I brushed those thoughts away when the doctor came out. "Doctor." "Well, your majesty, she just got out of surgery, she is still asleep, but will be waking up soon. We got the bullet out of her arm. If anymore to the left she would have died. The bullet hit some spot that looked like she had stitches, and a slimier, bullet shot. Do you know anything about this?"

 Oh no! That was when we went out to meet the northern rebels and America got shot. Should I bring it up? No, I don't think America wants everyone to know. Well, at least let the doctor know. "No, I knew she had stitches there, but I didn't know there was a bulled mark." "We had to do the stitches twice, because her first ones broke." "Can I go see her?" "Yes, of course." I walk in and see America on a hospital bed sleeping. She is so cute asleep. Her left arm is bandaged. I go over to her and pull up a chair. I kiss her forehead and her eyes flutter open.

"Maxon?" "America, we need to stop finding ourselves in these scenarios." Me and her share a laugh. "America, what happened?" "Well, remember when I said I was going to the women's room? Well, I was on my way there, and I bumped into Mr. Denton. I was ready to punch him, because I thought he was a rebel. He said he wasn't a rebel, but someone that wanted a better payment and the king to take him seriously. Then he pushed me into a save room, and tied me up, then we went into a type of room with a tunnel that led to the front of the palace. Then He got on the phone with the Southern Rebels, and I got my foot loose so I could make some noise. So I pushed over some metal buckets, and Denton came over and slapped me. A few seconds later, Aspen, and some other guards ran out and saw me. Denton pressed a knife to my throat and Aspen whispered something to a guard then you showed up."

 America placed a hand on mine, which I realized mine were balled up into fists to calm me down. "He is so fired!" "Max..." I cut her off. " NO, that is not OK with what he did. How could he think that tecnally selling you to the southern rebels would make me take him sereously! He is so Stupid!" "Maxon, its Ok. I am safe now. "What happened to Kota and the southerners?" "They got arrested. Which reminds me. We need to go question them."

"Are you ready my dear?" 

"I am not your Dear. 

I pulled her into a kiss, and we stayed that way. "Maxon?" "Yes, my love?" I looked into her beautiful crystal blue eyes. "I love you." I smiled " I love you to." Then she grabbed my by the collar of my shirt and kissed me.

I love her so much!


There you all go! How was that? Good? Not? If any of you have Ideas I am more than happy to use them. Thanks you all for sticking with me, and my books. I love you all! I am really sorry for my spelling, punctuation, or any other mistakes. Please tell me, so I can fix them. Thanks everyone!

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