Chapter 22

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OH MY GOSH! I am so so so sorry for leaving you all hanging for so long, and not following my regular scheduled! My summer has been super crazy! I just got back from vacation, and next week we are going to Lava Hot springs, so I will not be able to update for quite awhile.  Also, have any of you seen the new Mamma MIA? Mamma MIA 2 here we go again? I want to go so bad, but we are so busy, so I think I will go sometime in the next two weeks! I have been listening to the soundtrack non stop! I am listening to it while I am writing this chapter! Please enjoy!

America's POV

He threw me over his shoulder and we left. He went into a room with a tunnel and it felt like about 10 minutes until he reached his destination. To my surprise his destination was the front doors of the palace. He threw me into a chair and tied me to it so I could not escape.  He pulled out his phone and I tried to listen to the conversation.                                                                                          "Hello? ....... Um, yea. I have the queen! Meet me in the front of the palace! ...............Yes! I have her!  You are the Southern Rebel leader, are you not?.........."

Southern Rebels! What is happening! Oh no! Maxon said something about this. He said that Mr. Denton had an idea to use me as bait or something like that. Maxon! Please just come to the front of the palace!                                                                                                     I tried struggling to at loosen my legs so that I can make some type of sounds to get the guards out here! I struggled and tossed and turned, but it was no use! There is literally  three metal buckets right next to me! I just need to knock them over! Come on America! You can do it! Maxon needs you to fight!

 Maxon! Please just come to the front of the palace!                                                                                                     I tried struggling to at loosen my legs so that I can make some type of sounds to get the guar...

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(This is what it looks like, except outside and with shoes on)

Finally I got my left let out and I knocked the buckets over. YES! Denton turns around and gives me a death glare then went back to his phone call. "...Yes, I need you here ASAP .... I need to go I can here the guards! Hurry up!"   

He comes over and slaps me. "How could you do that! You selfish stuck up royal brat!" I let a tear fall, because that really hurt then the guards come running out. First guard out is Aspen. "MMMMM!" Denton pulls out a knife and holds it up to my neck. "Don't come any closer or she dies right here!" Aspen whispers something to the guard next to him and he runs off.  " I couldn't stand because my feet are still tied to the chair, but he can still hold a knife to my neck. 

Then Maxon comes running out with the guard with terror and anger in his eyes. "DENTON." Maxon says through gritted teeth. "LET. HER. GO."   "No, this is my chance to show you that I am worthy enough to get a better payment like everyone else, and I don't have stupid ideas!" "Denton! You get paid the exact same as my other advisers! And, I threw out  your idea, because you were putting my wife in danger, like you are now! Maxon then looked at me and gave me a worried look. 

I felt a tear fall down my face then everything was silent. It was silent for a good five minutes before Denton spoke up. "The Southern Rebels will be here any minute, so you better be prepared!" "WHAT!" Now Maxon had fire in his eyes. "You told them to come here!" "MMMMM!" I can't let them have me! Not again! That place was horrific! And Kota! NO Kota will be here! That was probably who Denton was talking to earlier.

"America! It's OK." I loved how Maxon trying to comfort me when there was so much going on. OH I just want to be in his arms right now. Denton still had the knife pressed to my neck. Then the southern rebels appeared. Then Kota. "Hey sis." 

Maxon's POV

No! not Kota! I am so firing Denton after this! Well, if there is an after! "Hey sis." Denton untied the piece of fabric that was making it so America couldn't say anything and she let out a breath. "Don't hey sis me, Kota!" She glared at him then looked over to me with a pleading look. I flicked my wrist behind my back to tell the guards to get in position. I could here them all shifting and preparing.

I was ready to get America back. 

Kota walked over to America and stroked her cheek, and america tried to bite him. I just growled at him." KOTA. DON'T. TOUCH. HER." "What are you going to do about it, Your Majesty." He gave me a mocking bow, and grinned. "This." I flicked my wrists again and my guards ran. 

The battle has begun.

I want to give a big shout out to all my readers and followers!  Thanks everyone! Next update coming really soon! Thanks Daugular01 , for all of your nice comments! Please share and 1K views! Are you serious! You all are amazing! Thank you all! I couldn't have done it without you!

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