Chapter 10

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Maxon POV


I could here the anger in my tone. " Hay Maxon. Or Should I say your highness. "He said sarcastically. How could he kidnap his sister. His sister! And torture her.

" Maxon, maxon, maxon. So are you ready to give up the monarchy? That must be why you are here. " "I would never give it up and let you destroy everything me and my father have built.

"Oh shut up maxon!" You don't get to leave until you hand it over. And if you want America back you Will hand it over.

Then out of nowhere a rebel came and took America from me. Again. "No! I will not loose her again!" I pull out a gun that one of the guards had given me and start to shoot. I shot the guy that had America and she runs into my arms.

"Your next!" I was so mad! Kota glared at me, but let us pass. "Your highness." He said while holding his arm out. America holds on to my like I was pinning her to the earth. "America, I will never loose you again."

We head outside to the car. It was hard for her to walk so I picked her up bridal style. "Guards please one of you arrest Kota singer!" 

We get into the car and me and America start kissing. " I missed this! " She said that as she pulled me closer.

"America Schreave, I will never ever lose you again. I love you." " I love you too. Um, I am sorry about dinner. If I never would have left we wouldn't be in this possession right now. " As she said that she started crying so I wiped the tears away. "America, that is in the past. It is ok.

I pull her in for another kiss and we stay like that until we get back to the palace.

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