Chapter 12

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Maxon's  POV

Ugh, What is taking so long! That's it. I barge in there and America lies lifeless on a table. 

 "What did you do!" I start yelling at the doctor. 

 "Maxon, Maxon, Maxon. Never leave someone you care about alone in a doctor's office. Especially if the doctor is a southern rebel!" He is a southerner? If course! How did I not see it sooner! 

 "What did you do to her!" I grabbed him by the neck and pushed him against the wall. " I ...k...killed her! " He had the biggest grin on his face. " "Guards!" They all came running in. " Take this man to a cell! I will deal with him later. " The guards grab him and take him away. 

I run over to America and  unstrap her from the table. "America, If you live, I will never call you my dear again."

 America's POV

In was surrounded by darkness until I saw a light. I started heading towards it, until someone stopped me. 

 "Dad? Daddy!" I ran up to him and have him a big hug.    "America, kitten. It is not your time." "Not my time for what?" I was so confused . "Kitten, don't die yet. You have a family, and Maxon. Maxon loves you so much."

"But I want to be with you." " I know you do but listen. " Then I heard a voice I had heard before. Maxon's. "America, if you live, I will never call you my dear again." Oh Maxon. My Maxon. I couldn't let him down. " America, you are a fighter, please fight." That was the last thing my dad said before fading away. Come one on America fight. I tried to open my eyes I just couldn't. come on! 

Then I saw Maxon.

(Cliff hanger, not really. Thanks everyone for reading! Wow two hundred views. I thought I would only get maybe twenty, twenty-five. Thanks everyone!) 

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