Chapter 14

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Maxon POV

 "Your majasty? We have caught the rebel Kota." I was so relieved. "Good, now let me see him, show me the way." The guard takes me down some stairs to the dungeon. Your majesty, he is in that one. " He points to the cart last cell and I thank him. "I want you to guard the stairs, and I will call you if I need you." "Yes your majesty." He goes and I leave.

When I get there Kota has handcuffs on and is sitting at the table in the cell. I open the dor, and he looks up. "Maxon!" When he says my name it gives me shivers down my spine. "To you it is your majesty!" "I will not talk to anyone, but my sister. Go get America!" Like I was going to let him talk to America. "I would never let you talk to America after what you did too her, now tell me what you have planned! " I was starting to get mad but I had to keep my cool.

 "I will tell you this one more time, I am not talking unless America is here!" Keep calm Maxon, keep calm. "Fine I will get America, but if you lay a finger on here I will be the last thing you will ever see!  Guards, please go get Queen America for me." They left and I started into Kota's eyes trying too figure out what he had planned. 

"Maxon? " There America stood at the door with a confused look. "America, darling." I went up to her and embraced her. "Maxon what is going on? What is Kota doing here?!" "America calm down Kota wont hurt you. All you have to do is get him to answer a few questions. He would not do it unless you were here." "Maxon, I am scared I don't want to talk to him." I pulled her into another hug. 

"You will be fine. I will be right here if you need me." "Alright. I will do it." She faced Kota. "This way please Kota then they went into the room. I started to follow then Kota stopped. "I will not say anything unless me and America are ALONE!" I glared at him and America came over and kissed me. "Maxon, I will be alright. I will call for you if anything goes wrong." "Alright." And with that they were gone.

We waited for about five minutes when I herd a scream come from the room America was in. "America!" I tried opining the door but it was locked. "America! Kota let me in! What are you doing to her!" "Maxon!" I heard America  call me in a scared tone and I busted through the door.

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