Chapter 11

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America's POV

Finally we get back to the palace. I can't really walk so Maxon picks me up bridal style again. 

Maxon starts heading to the hospital wing. "Maxon! Where are you going! My family is that way!" I say struggling to get out of his grasp. Ugh why does he have to be so darn strong! 

 " I am sorry my dear, but they hurt you. You need to go to the hospital. "" Maxon, I am not your dear, and you care about me way to much." "America, when will you realize that I will never stop caring about you and that I love you. " I let out a groan. I don't deserve him. 

I started crying and he wiped the tears away. "I am sorry. I know how you feel about women crying , I just don't deserve you." I let out another cry, and Maxon sat me down on the bench. "America, look at me." I looked into his chocolate brown eyes. "If anyone didn't deserve anyone it would be me to you. You are my sunshine and sunset. My love, my darling, my chocolate to my cake. I love you."

 " Maxon, that was amazing. I love you to. " We kiss for a long time until Maxon pulls away. "We need to get you to the hospital."

 When we get to the hospital I see my family. They all come run over and give me a hug. "Oh, I missed you so much! Are you hurt?" My mom gazed down to my leg where In was cut. " what did they do to you! When I get my hand on them I will... " Before she could finish I cut her off. "Mom, it's fine. Calm down! Maxon is handling everything." Her eyes gaze at maxon, and he waves . What a dork.

The doctor comes in, and I show him my leg. "Well your majesty you will need stitches. Will everyone head out?" All of my family leaves. Maxon was the last one to leave. Before he left he gave me a sad look.

 "Good, now that there gone we can get started." Then all the sudden I realize I am strapped to the table. "Wha...what are you doing?" "Maxon will pay for getting you back without handing over the monarchy , and you are the one that will suffer."

 "Please no!" I was about to scream but then he tapes my mouth shut. Seriously what's with the tape! I struggled trying to get free, but every time I struggled the straps would get tighter. "Oh America, this won't hurt a bit, well not to me." He gives me an evil grin, and walks over to the cart.

 When he comes back over he has something by my neck, then I feel a pinch, then everything goes black.

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