Chapter 17

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America's POV

It has been two weeks since I got that letter and maxon has been nothing but protective. I have had 10 guards stationed outside of our room and 10 stationed inside of our room. It is very annoying! 

Maxon is taking this way to seriously. I haven't been outside in two weeks and I can't go anywhere without at least 20 guards. Maxon has also told the guards not to listen to me. I have excused them many times but they will not go. 

I woke up and finally there were no guards in our room. Yes! Maxon was in a meeting. Yes! I peeked outside of our room and saw some guards. NO!  Then I got an idea. I tied all of our sheets together and tied one end to the balcony so I could go somewhere without the guards. 

After I tied it I slid down the sheets into the garden. Yes I'm free. After about 5 minutes, the doors open and Maxon comes walking out picks me up and puts me over his shoulder. " Well that was an exciting five minutes! Maxon! Please just let me be in the gardens!  It has been two weeks they have probably forgotten! " Yea, I knew that was a lie the minute I said it.

"America, I am sorry but I'm not going to lose you again! Please stop making me sound like the bad guy! I got rid of the guards in our room! What else do you want!"  "Maxon, remember the first time we met and I called this place a cage. Well what did I tell you! A cage! " 

 "But you must admit it is a very beautiful cage." I just let my mind go back to that moment.

(Quoted from actual book. The selection pages 116-118)

 " Excuse me, dear are you going to keep crying? " he asked sounding very put out by the thought. "Don't call me that! I am no more dear to you than the                   thirty-four other strangers you have here in this cage."  He walked closer, not seeming at all offended by my  loose speech. He's just looked ...........thoughtful. It was an interesting expression on his face. His walk was graceful for a boy, and he looked incredibly comfortable as he paved around me. My bravery melted a little in the face of how awkward this was. He was fully dressed in his sharp suit and I was cowering half naked. As if his rank didn't threaten me enough, his demeanor did. He must have had  plenty experience dealing with unhappy people; he was exceptionally calm as he answered. "That is an unfair statement. You are all dear to me. It is simply a matter of discovering who shall be the dearest."  "Did you really just use the word shall?" He chuckled. " I'm afraid I did. Forgive me, it's a product of my education. " "Education," I muttered rolling my eyes. "Ridiculous ."  " I'm sorry? " he asked. "Its ridiculous!" I yelled regaining some of my courage. "What is?" "This contest! The whole thing! Haven't you ever loved anyone at all? Is this really how you want to pick a wife? Are you really so shallow?" I shifted the ground a little. To make things easier for me, he sat on the bench so I wouldn't have to twist. I was to upset to be thankful. ..........     "Do you really feel like this is a cage?"  His eyes were full of compassion. " yes I  do. " My voice came out quiet. I quickly added , "Your majesty."  " I've felt that way once myself . But you must admit, it is a very beautiful cage." 

(End of quote. Sorry I skipped some. One part was just to long to write so I skipped a bit.)

I laughed at the memory. What got us to where we are now. Maxon looked at me and smiled. "What's so funny?" I was just thinking about when we first met and I called you shallow. "  Maxon laughed and we went up to our room. 

He placed me on the bed and gave me a stern look. "America, will you please stay in this room until I get back? I will only be like ten more minutes. I don't want to loose you again! Please! " "Ugh fine! How did you even know that I was out there? " "America I know you, and I saw you outside of my window. Now, I have to get back to my meeting. Please don't leave this room. "Ok?" "Ok! I love you. "

After he left I waited a second then ran over to the balcony ready to do it again. In was just about to slide down when Maxon comes back in and picks me up and takes me back to the bead. He heads over to the balcony and untied the sheets. "Your no fun." I say with a glare. " I love you to. " He says and comes over and sits with me. "America, you promised!" " I know I know. I just hate being cooped up in this room! I need to get out! I need air! Real air! " "Ok, how about this, let me finnish my meeting then we can go do something together for the rest of the day." " Ok, fine. I promise I will not try to escape. I love you. " I kissed him and He left. 

I went over to the balcony and just looked out over our country  and waited for Maxon.

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