Chapter 26

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Maxon POV

I was still amazed from what America did in the interrogation room. I dropped America on our bed, and jumped on the bed next to her.

"America, have I ever told you how much I love you?" America gave me a smirk. "Hmmm, I think so, but I always love to hear it again." I pinned America down with my hands, and kissed her.
"Alright, America Schreave. I love you. With all that I am I love you. I would take a million bullets for you, I would rather get eaten by sharks, then see you in pain, I love you."

America had tears streaming down her face. She cupped my face in her hands and kissed me. "Oh Maxon! I love you so much! When I was held captive by Kota, and the southerners, all I could think about was you. When Denton was about to sell me to Kota, and you rushed out, I knew how !much you loved me, and finally, when we were interrogating Kota, and he insulted you, I was filled with rage, knowing that all of that wasn't true, and, spoke how, me doing that made me love you so much more."

Wow! What America just said made my heart just melt. "America. I never thought I could ever love someone, that would love me back. Now when I look at you, all I see is the amazing, loyal, and loving queen and wife and I just don't have enough words to describe the love that I have for you.
I cupped her face in my hands and her.

"My Maxon"
"My America."

We kissed, and at some part we ended up wrapped around each other.
I have never felt like this with anyone else. I
Not even with Kriss or Daphne.
Well, Kriss, Kriss just was not right. She was way to clingy, and Daphne, well I just don't want to go down that road.

I wonder what my father would think of this? Or my mother. Well, father would probably be glaring, and I would probably have many more lashings than what I have now, but I would take one hundred lashings of that means America stays unharmed, and my mother. I can see her with the happiest face, because she finally had a daughter.

"Maxon? Are you alright?" I look over to America, such now I have my arms wrapped around her waste, and she has her head laying on my chest. "Oh, I am alright, just daydreaming." " Alright. I love you Maxon" She cuddles up closer to me, and I wrap my arms around her tighter.
" I love you to America. We should probably get some sleep." "Yeah, I guess your right."

I pull the sheets over us and kiss America's forehead, and let my dreams take me away.

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