Chapter 16

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The Next Day

America's POV

The next morning I woke up to my head on Maxon's bare chest. The sound of his heart was so soothing, so lovable I could just melt into his arms. I got out of bed and headed to the queens suit. 

When I got there Mary was there with my dress already out. I went over to my desk with the mirror and started brushing my hair when I felt strong arms wrap around me. 

 "Hello my dear." " Maxon, I am not your dear. "" Oh America, but that is where you are wrong. You are very dear to me. " After he says that he pulled me into a kiss. "Oh Maxon, how can I stay mad at that! You make it so hard!" He really does. With that sweet dreamy smile and those chocolate Brown eyes! Ugh I could just melt in them!

"America, I have a meeting but I will see you at breakfast. Ok darling? " I let out a sigh. " Ok, see you then. " I kissed him one more time before he left. "I love you." " I love you too. " Then he was gone.

Breakfasts was at 9:00 that was in an hour. What am I going to do for an hour. I headed tho my study to find some work I could do. I looked in my drawer and found the elimination papers for the casts and started working on those.

About twenty minutes later one of the maids came in with an envelope. "Queen America, this was addressed to you. It was found tapes to the front doors." I took the letter and thanked the maid and she left.

 I opened the letter and this is what it said,

America Schreave,                                                                                       We are coming back for you! do not think to hide because we will find you and when we comes will take you and you will never see your precious husband again. Or you have another choise, you can hand over the crown and monarchy to the southern rebels and we wil not hurt anyone. We will be coming but you won't know when. Say goodbye to Maxon, because you will never see him again!                                                                                                                  The southern rebels 

After reading that I ran to the room that maxon was in and busted into the room crying. "America what's wrong. What happened?" Maxon came over and took me into his arms. " America please tell me. I can help you. " I handed him the letter still crying into his shirt.

He took the letter and read it. When he finished reading it you could see the anger in his eyes. "Maxon, I am scared. I don't want to loose you, and you can't give them the crown!" " America, I will never let them get to you. You will have at least twenty guards with you at all times and never go somewhere without anyone with you! "

 He pulled me into him and I felt save. Safe that know one was out to get me. Safe from Kota. It was like it was just me and him.

 " Maxon, I love you. " He picked me up bridal style and we headed to breakfast. "America, I promise I will find those rebels and they will never let a finger on you again! You have been through to much! Now let's go get you some strawberry tarts."

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