7 Minutes in Heaven

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"What... OH NO- WE DIDN'T!" Peridot says shaking her head 'no' while doing a hand motion. They both turn flustered.

"Sure, ya didn't..." Amethyst says wiggling her eyebrows. They all snicker except for Peridot and Lapis.

"SO, WHAT ARE WE DOING?!" Peridot yells trying to change the subject. Lapis giggles as she looks down at Peridot tensed. Lapis leans down and wraps her arms around Peridot's neck and rests her chin on her head. Peridot seemed relaxed as the rest coos over them. Lapis stops, she ruffles Peridot's hair then goes over to the couch. Peridot blushes. Everyone sits by or on the couches. Peridot remains standing by the kitchen which is part of the living room.

"Oh! I heard there was a new comedy TV show, 'Improbable Fools.' These four guys just go around Newt Yorke City doing dares that they tell each other to do. If they don't do so, they get a punishment!" Amethyst says looking for a remote.

"Where's the damn remote?" Amethyst says frustrated. Peridot smirks.

"I don't have one." Peridot says looking at Amethyst leaning against the kitchen counter with her arms crossed.


"Here." Peridot says walking over to the TV. She presses a button and appears a holographic channel list. She chooses, "Improbable Fools" then plays. Everyone looks at Peridot surprised.

"What?" Peridot asks while walking over to the kitchen.

"Anything else to surprise us?!" Amethyst asks.

"I don't know. This is pretty normal." Peridot shrugs as she turns on the oven. They watch the show as Peridot starts to make dinner. Lapis looks over her shoulder and sees Peridot working hard on the dinner. Lapis gets up from the couch over to Peridot.

"You not going to hang out with us?" Lapis asks. Peridot looks up at Lapis.

"I'm making you guys dinner, my treat." Peridot says then goes back to cooking.

"C'mon, at least let me help you then." Lapis says helping Peridot. Peridot sighs.

"Fine." Peridot says in defeat. Lapis grins at Peridot then helps her with the cooking.

9:25 PM

The group had already had eaten the feast that Lapis, Peridot, and Pearl prepared. Everyone full, they play some sleepover games in the living room.

"Okay guys! Truth or dare!" Amethyst says as everyone cheers on.

"Truth and dare questions will be... romantic, flirty and dirty..." Amethyst smirks.

"But, I'm going to start with a simple question that is neither flirty or dirty to warm up. Starting with..." Amethyst then spins around with her index finger out and stops for it to land on...

"Sapphire! Truth or dare..." Amethyst says smirking.

"Truth." Sapphire says.

"Oh, come on! Don't be chicken!" YP says.

"Truth." Sapphire says once again.

"Fine. Who do you least like..." Amethyst says. Sapphire then looks around and points to Pearl.

"AAAHAHAHAHAAA!" Amethyst bursts laughing and so does everyone else besides Pearl.

"WHY?!" Pearl says.

"You squawk too much." Sapphire says trying to hold in her laughter. Pearl crosses her arms.

"I do no- SQUAWK!" Pearl squawks as Amethyst pokes her at the side of the stomach. Everyone laughs once again then it dies down.

"Sapphire, go ahead." Amethyst says wiping a fake tear.

"Steven." Steven then suddenly perks up.

"Truth or dare."

"Dare!" Steven says immediately. Everyone smirks.

"Perform a song for Connie in private." Sapphire says with a smirk.

"Nice." Amethyst high-fives Sapphire. Steven and Connie suddenly both blush.

"You can use any instrument, just don't break them." Peridot says as Steven nods and they both head to the piano room.

After a couple minutes, they both return with extremely red faces. Everyone gives noticeable smirks as Steven hides his face in his arms and groans. Connie comforts Steven until he was comfortable enough to speak.

"Amethyst!" Steven points to Amethyst.

"Yo." Amethyst leans casually.

"Truth or dare." Steven says smirking.

"Dare, duh." Amethyst says.

"I dare you to go seven minutes in heaven with..." Steven looks around.

"Just pick someone." Steven says shrugging. Amethyst gulps and blushes as she tries to pick someone.

"AND IT CAN'T BE GARNET FOR SURE!" Steven says. Garnet nods.

"Fine!" Amethyst grabs... Peridot's wrist and heads into a nearby closet. As they both walk in, they could hear footsteps and assume it was the group. They both sit in the dark closet for two minutes in silence.

"Amethyst." Peridot says which seemed to make Amethyst jump.

"Yeah Per?" Amethyst asks nervously.

"Why did you choose me?" Peridot asks.

"I-I- uhm..." Amethyst stutters. Crap... She caught me... 



Oooh, cliffhanger. 




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