It's Okay

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6:00 PM

As Peridot rushes up to upstairs, Azurite and Lapis remain in the living room. They were having a good time. Peridot ended up more interesting to Azurite.

"Peridot's actually a nice gal. She'd make a great girlfriend-"

"ALRIGHT MA!" Lapis says trying to change the subject. Azurite laughs.

"Oh, Lapis. You're so easy to fluster!" Azurite says as Lapis crosses her arms.

"Senior year is almost up! What college are you going to attend?"

"Not really sure, mom. I do want to have a major in something... Like art, I'm good with that!"

"You should join Crystal Univeristy! I looked it up, they have the best Art and Sciences faculty in the nation."

"Great! But, do we have enough money?"

"Oh, Lapis... The money doesn't matter when you join Crystal Univeristy. You're grades matter. And, I think you're going to make it in, you've been getting a lot of A's in arts!"

"Thanks mom... I'll send a letter to them... Hopefully they'll accept." Lapis says nervously tapping her right index finger on her knee.

"Also, prom is coming up! And, you joined the LGBT club... So, you guys have to perform something. I received an email from Amethyst's mother."

"Who are you taking with you to prom?" Azurite asks eager to hear Lapis' partner.

"I don't know yet mom, I got a bunch of cards asking me to go to prom. Most of them are boys. Blech." Lapis says rolling her eyes.

"Hm..." Azurite says. Peridot then comes down breathing heavily from the stairs.

"You... huff... can... huff... come upstairs now..." Peridot says pointing upstairs. Azurite, Lapis, and Peridot go upstairs to Peridot's room. Azurite observes and freezes, surprised.

"You play instruments?" Azurite asks Peridot.

"Yes, ma'am." Peridot says nodding back. Lapis then notices the pride flag is covered. As Azurite observes, Lapis pulls Peridot outside of the room where Azurite couldn't eavesdrop.

"Yes, Lapis?" Peridot asks.

"Why did you cover your pride flag?" Lapis asks seriously.

"I have to! Unless your mom thinks of me in disgust!"

"I came out to her already like a year ago as bi-" Lapis says as Peridot looks down. Lapis sighs.

"Peri, she's okay with that. Even if you're famous and didn't tell me!-" Peridot then scratches the back of her head with a nervous smile.

"Does everyone know you're lesbian?" Lapis asks.


"So, that's why?"

"Mhm..." Peridot nods shyly. Lapis giggles then stretches Peridot's cheeks.

"You're so..."

"Don't you dare..."


"Lazuli... Don't..."


"ARGH!" Peridot then covers her face while blushing. Lapis and Peridot go back to the room. Peridot notices her camoflauged robonoid on top of the covered pride flag. Peridot nods as the robonoid understands the signal and pulls up the cover to run away with it. Azurite hears the noise and turns around to find a gay pride flag, she covers her mouth. Peridot stands frozen waiting for a response while Lapis waits as well. Azurite then sprints towards Peridot and hugs her excitedly. Peridot returns the hug, confused. Azurite then breaks the hug and looks at Peridot and Lapis with a huge grin on her face. 

"Peridot! You have my blessing to marry my daughter!" Azurite says excitedly. Lapis and Peridot then turn to look at each other with flushed faces.

"MOM!" Lapis says flustered. Peridot covers her face, flustered.

"What?" Azurite asks confused. Peridot then plops herself on to her bed and groans in her pillow. Lapis giggles. Azurite smiles. MY BABY WILL MARRY THIS PERIDOT! I can't believe I'm going to say this... I ship it!  



I apologize for the short chapter. Still recovering, though I can't really use that as an excuse. Anyways, news flash, I'm going to vacation with my fam starting tomorrow. I don't really know if I could update or even continue writing the story this weekend. I'll see, but don't get your hopes up. It's a 50-50 chance. Have a good day!




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