Chapter 1

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I hold my breath, looking at my target to see if it had heard me. The black wolf sniffs, flicks its ears, then sits down, seemingly not to have heard when I clicked the silver bullet in the chamber.

I raise the handgun, taking aim at the spot right between the wolf's ears and fire.

Apparently the silencer isn't silent enough for the monster, as it recognizes the noise and ducks. I curse, clicking another bullet into the chamber, then firing.

The wolf howls, a low, keening wail, almost like a cry for help. Then it falls onto the forest floor and stops breathing.

I rise, smirking, and turn to start tracking another when five or six howls answer the first.

Holy crap.

I begin to run, thinking that they weren't that close, when I almost literally run over one of the mutts, it's black eyes dark and cold.

It snarls at me, and five or six more surround me. I turn in a circle, backing up to a tree that's right behind me, then fire at one of the wolves.

It whimpers, staggering around before slumping over, and another whines, prodding it with it's paw. Those two were most likely mates.

The mate of the fallen wolf, a golden she wolf that looks peeved beyond belief, stalks towards me, giving me a harsh growl. I return with a sharp bark of laughter, clicking another bullet into the chamber.

"I'm not afraid of you, mutt." I snarl, backing away, then I turn on my heel, taking off through the darkening forest.

My feet thump the ground quickly, all the training I've been taught over the years kicking in, and I glance behind me, noticing the wolves gaining.

I keep running, digging around inside for a last reserve of energy, but I've been tracking wolves all day, and this run is tiring me quickly.

If this had occurred early this morning, I'd be able to make it back to the outskirts of the Wall, which is the only safe place on this planet.
I hear one of them stop, then howl. I frown, wondering if its calling reinforcements or-

My thoughts are interrupted by loud howl from close by, holding a great deal of power.

Alpha. Crap. I'm as good as dead.
I bring my pistol up to my face, inspecting the number of bullets I have left and swearing. I only have two. Not enough to stop an Alpha.
I run faster, more adrenaline fueling my dwindling energy source, my breath coming in gasps.

I hear a loud bark, one that holds much power, and want to swear but I don't have the breath. The Alpha has caught up.

I see a clearing in the distance and grin, going even faster, but then the clearing drops off and I skid to a stop, almost toppling forward.

I am trapped on the edge of a cliff. I turn, looking at the advancing werewolves, and I walk a bit away from the edge. No death wish here.
The wolves advance, a huge sandy colored wolf with black eyes pushing forward, sniffing then stopping.

I don't move, barely breathing, as the Alpha falls to the ground and starts to writhe. I grimace, hearing the bones pop and seeing the fur recede.
When he stands, towering over my small 5'4 frame, I meet his hazel eyed gaze head on.

"You'll be coming back with us." His deep voice echoes off the trees, and tingles run up and down my skin, but I ignore them.

I cock my head, listening closely, then smirk.

"I'd rather die." I say coldly, then turn to jump off the cliff and into the river I'd heard below.

Except, I don't get that far. The Alpha moves with amazing speed, grabbing me round the waist and pulling me to him, growling.

"I said you're coming back with us." He snarls, and I elbow him in the stomach.

"And I said I'd rather die!" I stomp on his foot, which happened to be bare and not go well with the heel of my boot, and he yelps and lets go of me.

I run to the cliff, and am about to throw myself off it when someone grabs me from behind and throws me to the ground, and I groan as my head bounces off the hard packed dirt.

"I said you're coming back with us."
That's the last thing I hear before my eyes roll back in my head and I fall unconscious.

//Ehhh not the best an not that long but it's still something. Enjoy!

(picture of Lyssa on the side hopefully I just now found out how to even do this because I'm so stoo[id)

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