Chapter 1.

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Quick AN here. This is my FIRST Victorious fic. I've just fallen in love with Jori all over again and decided to write something for them.

Please, let me know how you like this.

All mistakes are my own. I apologize in advance for how OOC this is.
That being said. I own nothing but the idea for this story. 

Happy reading.


Tori finished using her towel to dry her hair when she heard the doorbell, raising an eyebrow, she dropped the towel onto the edge of the couch on her way to the door. Hoping it wasn't just Trina having forgotten her keys as she really didn't want to put up with her sister right now after just finding out that money was missing from her wallet, and her closet had been raided.

Her eyebrows shot up when she saw Jade standing on the other side of the door. "Good, you're home," the goth smiled and strode into the room.

"You didn't expect me to be?"

"Well, there were no cars here," Jade shrugged, putting her bag on the end of the couch as she walked further into the house, stopping by the stairs that led to the piano.

"So why did you bother ringing the bell?" Tori asked confused.

"Because, I needed to see you," Jade winked at her before running her fingers along the keys, making a few notes chime out.

"See me? About what? We didn't have homework, and it's the Summer holidays-"

"Where's your family?" Jade asked, cutting Tori off. The brunette rolled her eyes and picked her towel up that she was drying her hair with, draping it over the back of a kitchen chair so it would dry before making her way to the fridge, pulling out a jug of pink lemonade.

"My parents are driving across country to see my family. Someone within the family just had a baby. Trina's driving back to our old town to catch up with old friends. So I'll be here alone for the holidays," Tori said as she poured a glass for herself and put the jug back in the fridge. She took a can of Wahoo Punch out and carried both drinks over to Jade, knowing whichever drink the goth chose, Tori would be happy to drink the other.

Jade, predictably, picked the can. Pulling a pair of scissors from her boot to crack the seal open before slipping them into the waistband of her skirt instead as she took a sip from the can.

"Why are you here?" Tori asked, looking over at her phone as it chimed from the kitchen table.

"That's why no one's heard from you for two days. Thought you were dead," Jade said, shrugging as Tori looked at her with a raised eyebrow before heading back to the kitchen to grab her phone from the table.

"Last night I went out. I was my first night off since starting my new job that I got for the summer to earn some cash. I didn't get in till four this morning, so I went straight to bed. I've only been awake an hour. I'm about to get ready for my next shift," Tori said, a little nervous as she looked down into her cup, draining the last of the drink before setting the glass in the sink and filling it with water.

"A job? Don't your parents give you an allowance?"

"They do, but I don't see the point in getting money unless I work for it, and my parents are out of town for two weeks, so I need money while they're gone,"

"They didn't leave you money?"

"Oh, they did, my gank of a sister stole it this morning along with some clothes before leaving."

"And this job... How are you going to survive without getting paid?"

Tori's eyes widened, biting on her lower lip she made her way towards the stairs. "I-uh... Get paid after every shift. I perform for people," she said quickly, finding that to be a believable enough answer, she did go to a performing arts high-school.

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