Chapter 19.

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Tori's POV.

Dinner had been amazing, and Jade was more than happy to sit at the table longer, sharing a dessert between us.

By the time we'd got back home, I was more than ready to go to bed and do nothing.

We made our way up the stairs after kicking our shoes off, and I dropped face-first into the bed with a happy sigh.

"Hey, if you're gonna do that, at least move up more so I can sit," Jade said, so I crawled up the bed more, dropping my face into the pillows.

I turned my head to look at her as she kneeled on the bed and scooted closer before she straddled my thighs and pressed her hands to my lower back.

Her fingers were kneading at a particularly sore spot, and I couldn't help but moan.

"That feels good," I said, resting my head on my arms.

"I am good with my hands," she said and I blushed lightly.

"I don't doubt that for a second," I said, more to myself than anything.

I found myself sighing as her skilled hands massaged my lower back, a moan bubbling up passed my lips as she clawed her nails down my back- the feeling of warmth spreading through me.

I felt her hands unclasp my bra before they resumed their kneading across my shoulders.

So this is what heaven feels like?

"Roll over," Jade said after a while, lifting herself up enough so that I could do as instructed.

When I was on my back, staring up at her, I found myself once more getting lost in her touch, her eyes, the way her lip quirked up at the sides when she was fighting off a smile.

I want to map every inch of her body and memorise every dip, curve, noise inducing spot.

I want to find out what makes her breath hitch. What makes her toes curl. What makes her beg, cry out, and pant for more.

Smiling softly, I bought a hand up, cupping Jade's cheek waiting for our eyes to connect before I spoke. "I love you," I whispered and was met with a kiss being pressed into my palm.

"I love you too, Tori," she said quietly and pull her shirt and bra off in one smooth motion, tossing them towards the bathroom before she laid on me, kissing my neck, my lips... Everywhere she could, wherever my shirt wasn't in the way.

But it didn't stop her.

She bunched my shirt up, pushing it up over my head, trapping my arms up above me as my head was rested down on the fabric before she slid down my body, kissing and nipping her way to my hips.

She bit down on my left hip, a whimper leaving my lips as she did before she sucked lightly, her tongue smoothing over the indents her teeth left behind.

I sat up a little, pulling my shirt and bra off -clumsily due to the odd angle of Jade refusing to move off me and where my shirt was- and dropped them to the floor, watching the way those stunning teal eyes dragged over my now exposed breasts.

I felt it in every fibre of my being as she palmed one and closed her mouth around the other.

I felt the way it made my insides clench. The way it made my clit throb.

I want Jade. And I'll be damned if I let anything get in my way this time- unless Jade says no- I need her.

I bought a hand up to tangle in her hair as she switched sides, her mouth closing around my other nipple as her hand came up and played with the other, massaging, pinching, teasing it.

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