Chapter 22.

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AN: This'll be the last update for a day or two, heading out of town... Will try to get some more writing done while I'm gone, no promises. Hoping to end this fic with a total of 30 Chapters, I doubt I'll make that goal though.

I hope you enjoy.
Remember to review, and be kind to one another! :)


Tori's POV.

Waking up before my alarm on the first day back at school? It's never fun.

That was until I got the best idea.

I get to wake Jade up.

I slipped my hand under the covers, stroking my fingers over her clit slowly, my eyes on her face watching the way her lips parted in a soft sigh.

Smirking, I dipped a finger in her, my palm brushing against her clit now, a low throaty moan leaving her throat.

"Vega," she said softly, licking her lips as her eyes flickered open.

"Yes, Jade?"  I asked, kissing her gently.

"What're you doin?" God! That raspy morning voice is such a turn on.

Focus, Tori!

I eased a second finger into her, watching her eyes slide shut again, her hand gripping my wrist to keep me there.

"Good morning, baby," I whispered before jumping out of bed, out of her grasp and taking the blankets with me so she couldn't go back to sleep.

"Rude," Jade scoffed and rolled onto her stomach, burying her face against the pillows.

"Do you want to join me for a shower?" I asked her, a little too much innocence in my voice.

She lifted her head, glaring at me just as my alarm started going off, that only made her groan really loudly and pull the pillow over her head.

"Wake me when there's coffee," she rasped, and I only laughed, coming around to her side of the bed, bring a hand roughly down on her ass.

Wait, did she just moan?

"Did you just... moan?" I asked, biting my lip.

She looked up at me, hesitating her answer before she shook her head. "No." The blush on her cheeks told me otherwise though.

"Jade likes being spanked," I sang-songed as I made my way to the bathroom after turning my alarm off.

"Shut up," she said with a warning tone.

"What're you gonna do, spank me? I know I like it," I said with a smirk and a shrug, making her jaw drop.

That seemed to make her short-circuit a little.

Mission accomplished!

I turned the shower on and stepped straight in, sighing happily at the heated water as it washed over me.


I stepped into Sikowitz's classroom with Jade a step behind me, both of us really late to school due to Jade making our shower last much longer than it needed to.

But damn it was a good shower.

Jade reached in front of me quickly, pushing the rubber ball away from me before it had a chance to hit me in the face and she grunted something along the lines of, "Watch it. You know what he's like," before she pulled us to the only two seats remaining in the back of the room.

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