Chapter 14.

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Jade's POV.

Tori and Cat were sitting on either side of me watching some random Disney movie I couldn't remember the name of right now, but there is a huge fucking crab and a lot of singing about being Shiny... You know the one, I'm sure.

My mind is wondering though, to Tori's fingertips running over my thigh beneath the blanket we have draped across the three of us.

Cat loudly yawned and laid down, her feet resting on my other leg as she rested her head on the arm of the couch.

I looked over at her before I turned my attention to Tori who was lip-syncing the words to the song that was playing on the screen.

Finding them both distracted, I slipped my hand under the blanket and rested it on Tori's thigh, my eyes were on the movie, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tori turn her head a little.

I then felt her hand rest on top of mine, pushing it further up her thigh and my breath hitched as she pressed my fingers up under the edge of her shorts - Wait, those are my shorts!

She's wearing my shorts and my hoodie. She looked fucking good in them too. What I was trying to remember though, was, when did she change?

My fingers were pressed to her core before I could keep thinking. I then froze at the movement, finding nothing stopping the touch at all. Did she take her bikini off?

Fuck. She's naked beneath my clothes.

I squeezed my thighs together, my eyes slipping closed as she guided my hand for a moment before I took charge, running small, and very light teasing circles over her clit.

I felt her hips push up to meet my hand, heard a soft whimper leave her lips that she quickly covered up by clearing her throat.

I felt like I was high on adrenaline. As soon as she rested back into the couch properly, I dipped my index finger into her core, and her hand clamped down on my wrist, holding me there while she ground up against my hand.

I glanced at Cat who was still staring at the bright colours on the screen before I pulled my finger out of Tori and heard a huff from her which made me look at her.

She was flushed, even by the dark light of the screen, it was easy to tell.

Smirking, I waited for her to calm a little before I thrust two fingers straight into her, her breath catching in her throat along with a noise I desperately wanted to hear again.

She hid her face against my neck, biting down as I pumped my fingers within her slowly. Curling them every now and then which she happily responded to by shifting her hips up to meet my hand, my palm brushing against her clit.

Her breathing was getting quicker against my ear, I could feel the way her thighs shook around my wrist.

God, how I cannot wait till they're shaking around my head.

"Jade!" Tori called loudly, and I jumped, looking around, the TV was now off, and Cat was fast asleep curled into my side.

Oh Man, what a fucking dream.

"Hm?" I blinked a few times before looking at Tori who smiled and helped me adjust Cat on the couch.

She then grabbed my hand, leading me upstairs after we made sure the doors were locked.

When I sat on the bed, I could feel the wetness between my legs, and I ran a hand through my hair.

I saw Tori grab her pyjamas from under her pillow along with a fresh pair of underwear from the drawer before she slipped into the bathroom. "Do you need to use the bathroom? I just want a quick shower," she said softly.

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