Chapter 21.

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Jade's POV.

Tori had refused to let me have my way with more than once since that morning three weeks ago, and I craved her body. Sure we've had fun, but I honestly enjoyed making her cum everywhere.

The only time she did allow it was if we were in the shower, and that was once, and a lot more work. Not that I'm complaining, it was totally worth it to see the way her face changed as she came.

Tomorrow, school started back up, and I was sitting in Tori's room bored out of my fucking mind because she decided she wanted to go back to work not long after the cops found her father and charged him for what happened to Tori's car and the abuse she went through.

She found dancing as her way to deal, and I wasn't going to stand in her way of coping. Because, thankfully, she's not in danger, not doing drugs or getting wasted. She's doing what she loves. Singing and dancing.

Her mother, as annoying as she is has decided that she wants to live with Gary. So Tori practically lives alone.

Except the fact that I've yet to go home since that first day I came over.

Her mother has agreed to keep the house just for Tori, saying that she was almost eighteen and that she'd keep the bills paid for her.

Tori only had to buy her own groceries.

Which wasn't hard with the money she was raking in, and I said I'd help out.

When we came out to our friends, it was through a Slap Update.

Tori and I posted photo's and video's from out Ren Faire date, and we received nothing but love and happiness from everyone.

Cat, who still hadn't told us what was going on for her to not want to go home, had stay over with us every weekend since then, and she'd of been here tonight if it weren't for the fact that we all had school tomorrow.

It all feels so unreal if you ask me.

Tori had a house to herself. Her father was in jail for janking up her car. Her mother off fucking her father's old work partner. And still, no one but her work buddies and I knew she was a dancer at a strip joint.

The doorbell rang, pulling me from my thoughts and I made my way downstairs, my stomach rumbling and I hoped to God it was my pizza.

I grabbed my purse from my bag that was on the couch and pulled open the door, looking down at the notes in my wallet to get the correct change.

"That'll be twenty bucks," the voice said, and I frowned. I'd heard that voice before. But where?

I looked up, and my eyes widened when I saw Tori in an unbuttoned trench-coat and nothing on underneath it.

She was using her signature dude voice that Beck had told me about and that she'd used on me when she falls into the role of Walter when we're hanging around the house.

I swallowed thickly, pulling her inside as I pushed the door shut, not caring that it slammed so loudly that the walls rattled.

"What're you doing home so early?" I asked between kisses, her free hand holding onto my sweater tightly, fingers curled around the fabric.

"Tyson know's I start school tomorrow, so I'm doing half shifts, so I don't end up falling asleep in the hallway again," she said, and I smiled, hugging her.

"Why are you naked?" I asked, looking at her confused.

"I had clothes on, but when I saw the pizza guy coming up the driveway as I was about to put the key in the door, I had a better idea to wait till he left, strip what I had on under the coat and surprise my beautiful girlfriend."

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